I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
Comments (Page 241)
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on Aug 12, 2014

The history of invention.
black powder
gelatinous dynamite
ammonium nitrate
liquid oxygen
atomic bomb
nuclear bomb

on Aug 18, 2014

I heard you get a gram of coke
for every nude photo you post on Instagram?

on Aug 21, 2014

"Microbial life found living on exterior of International Space Station..."
Next they'll be on the moon.

on Sep 12, 2014

Pay cuts don't motivate anybody.

on Sep 19, 2014

Instead of giving heavy weapons to the allies,
why not just take them away from the enemy?

on Sep 19, 2014

Use "Platinum data safe ultimate gold plus plus",

on Sep 23, 2014

Romney's problem,
not enough time on the golf course.

on Sep 24, 2014

When playing golf an inexperienced player
will walk right into a sand trap.

on Sep 26, 2014

'What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say'

(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

on Sep 29, 2014

Are we living in a B movie?

on Oct 01, 2014

I'm really blown away Dave,
somebody better screw in the light bulb.

on Oct 02, 2014

Wow Dave,
I'm totally blown away.

on Oct 03, 2014

I hope you don't need any more reasons to vote republican.

on Oct 05, 2014

If the elections were two months from now,
would the results be different?

on Oct 06, 2014

Let me try to reassure you that there
is only an extremely low chance that
"political correctness" will destroy human civilization.

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