I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Nov 19, 2014

"Why Doesn't Everyone Believe Humans Are Causing Climate Change?"
I've been here 50 years, I don't believe anything.
Why do they call it a dream?
Because you will wake up.

on Nov 20, 2014

"Premier US album chart revamped to include streaming"
Now we will know what the bots in Indonesia are listening to.

on Dec 05, 2014

If you can't trust Bill Cosby,
who can you trust?

on Dec 07, 2014

Can a person really accurately remember a bad dream
from 30 years ago after 40 years of heavy drug use?

on Dec 15, 2014

Could mindfulness be habit forming?

on Dec 16, 2014

I heard the Sony hackers were hacked.

on Dec 18, 2014

I am working on a time machine so I
can move to the 20th century.

on Dec 23, 2014

Lets say you put water in a magnetic bottle in deep space,
then you turn off the magnetic bottle.
How fast does the water expand and does the expansion
remain constant, accelerate or decelerate over time?

on Jan 05, 2015

Let's imagine that we are in a space ship and we are looking
at a rotating galaxy directly ahead of us. If we travel 90% of
the speed of light would the galaxy appear to be rotating faster,
slower or the same speed as it was when we were still on earth?
Please explain your answer thoroughly to this question.

on Jan 11, 2015

The quantum picture double slit experiment:
Set up the usual double slit experiment with a laser,a photon
absorbing material with slits A and B and a screen behind the
slits so you get the interference pattern on the screen when
you fire the laser. Now replace the screen with a piece of film
in the same place where the screen was. Find out how long to
fire the laser to expose the film, view it as a slide in a projector
and see the interference pattern. Now block the backside of slit B
with the same photon absorbing material so photons can go through
either slit but will be absorbed behind slit B. Place a new piece
of film the same size and location and fire the laser for the same
time as you did to get the first slide. After exposing the film
mark it slit A mark the strike side and the top of the film.
Now open slit B and block slit A as before.
Place a new piece of film the same size and location and fire the
laser for the same time as you did to get the first slide. After exposing
the film mark it slit B mark the strike side and the top of the film.
Now make two slides the same size A and B mark the top and strike side,
place one over the other and project the image.
You now know where the photons struck, which slit they went through
and you can look at the combined projection and see what pattern

on Jan 12, 2015

In the usual double slit experiment light strikes a material
with two slits some goes through and hits a screen behind
the slit material. When light hits material in the experiment
that material heats up. When material heats up it gives off
infrared radiation.
Question 1 How does this infrared radiation effect the experiment?

Question 2 Could you use this infrared radiation to determine
which slit a photon goes through when you fire one while observing
the experiment from behind the laser?
Note: You could use smoked glass with two slits in the smoke.

on Jan 12, 2015

Life occurs..

We make up a story about what occurs, based on our misinformation of our past.

We then come to believe that the"story" is true, and what occurs is not our reality.

We now live our life as if the story were true, and reality is no longer an issue.

The "story" is what we live our lives by............a fabrication.

on Jan 13, 2015

If you plot the motion of the earth's moon as it goes around the sun
would that be wave like behavior?
Is the moon a particle or a wave?
I say particle.

on Jan 19, 2015

Here is a list of ten ways to become an exciting charismatic person.

Get a nose job,face lift,boob job,wear deodorant,have your teeth whitened,
drive an expensive car,wear stylish clothes,look people in the eye,smile and
be able to produce never ending mountains of BS.

on Jan 19, 2015

Simple guide for the politician running for president in 2016.
Things to avoid saying at any time because you might be recorded.

low information voter
the 47 percent
the 99 percent
there is nothing wrong with healthcare
the border is secure
there is an extremely low chance
ordinary people
I work hard
to much time on the golf course
I washed dishes for two months when I was 17
the economy is doing great
unemployment is low
it's our fault they hate us

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