I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
Comments (Page 240)
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on Jul 11, 2014

When will they arrest the parents who abandoned
their children and sent them on a suicide trek
across a desert.
Will Nancy hug and kiss each one as they arrive?

on Jul 11, 2014
on Jul 14, 2014

From Type III Civilization
To intelligence on Earth
Subject Message you asked for

We put it on the moon, you can't miss it.
Just use the naked eye and look at the full moon rising.
If you don't see it you're in denial.

on Jul 14, 2014

"White House: Border Kids Won't Be Sent Home To Die."
But veterans will?

on Jul 15, 2014

From Type III Civilization
To intelligence on Earth
Subject Name we gave your planet

"Super colossal chaos creating cluster-F-100004832.9"
Note most planets with life don't get the Super colossal designation.

on Jul 16, 2014

Bring back our jobs
Bring back our freedom
Bring back our border
Bring back our brains
Bring a desalination plant, fast

on Jul 23, 2014

A friend once told me,
"People who talk bad about you behind your back
are just jealous".

on Jul 24, 2014

I have been studying birds and wild rabbits,
they are easily more intelligent than all humans.

on Jul 26, 2014

"The Brain Theory"
The universe is an unbelievably huge almost empty vacuum.
It could only be one thing, a living brain.
When thoughts are created they are stored in black holes,
where they are squished and rendered useless.
The only thing that can survive in a black hole
is software. Because it is soft it can't be squished
and eventually leaks out. Though it is deformed and defective,
once it escapes, software can still be utilized.

on Jul 27, 2014

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix

on Jul 30, 2014

I and many others are deeply offended by
the elected officials who have failed
to enforce the immigration laws of the US
today and for the last 30 years,
we would like apologies.
Please refer to reply #3584

on Aug 02, 2014

We could build an engine in the form of a cylinder.
One end of the cylinder is end A and the opposite end
of the cylinder is end B.
We transmit energy from end B to end A where it is
absorbed and converted into matter and sent back
to end B where it is converted into energy and transmitted
back to end A.
We could call it "Energy Matter Conversion Propulsion."

on Aug 03, 2014

Why don't we just upgrade San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant?

on Aug 04, 2014

You have a fully charged battery that is connected to
a solar panel that charges the battery when light
hits the panel. The battery is also connected to a
light.The whole thing is in a dark room.Turn on the
light and point it at the solar panel.Will the battery
go dead quicker if the light connected to the battery
is out side the dark room?

on Aug 06, 2014

Plans for space ship.
The engine will be a tube that runs from the
front of the ship to the back.
At the front an electron beam will shoot electrons
to the back where they will enter a sponge and be converted
to light and aimed at the front where the light
will enter a sponge and be converted to an electron beam.
Because the electrons have mass and the light doesn't
the ship will move forward through space.
All radiation will be trapped in the tube and none
will escape which will allow perpetual motion
once the engine is turned on.
If the universe came from nothing then we can get
perpetual motion.

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