I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Oct 09, 2014

Love the site, and keep on keeping on!


housse protection iPad air housse pour iPad air

on Oct 10, 2014

Do we live in a psychopathic universe?
Should we consciously uncouple to dementia?

on Oct 15, 2014

The Democrats own Ebola.

on Oct 17, 2014

To disinfect airplanes and rooms maybe you could
develop an Ebola bug bomb to get into every crack and crevice.

on Oct 18, 2014

[Lets follow the Ebola breadcrumbs. A quick overview.]
1 "Ebola response coordinator" Ron Klain served as Chief of Staff
to Vice president – Al Gore (1995–1999) and has almost no health care experience.
2 Flights from Ebola country's have not been halted to the US.
3 The top secret space plane just landed having completed it's mission.
4 First known Ebola victim in US was turned away at the hospital
the first time he showed up there.
5 Nurse with Ebola allowed to fly on public airline.
6 Doctors with Ebola flown into the US for treatment which was unnecessary.
7 Thousands of US troops being sent into Ebola country.
8 CDC says all US hospitals are ready for Ebola but they are not.
9 Ebola is very deadly disease with no vaccine or cure.
10 Quote I read in the news more than once "Climate deniers should be put to death".
There is only one logical explanation,
They want you to think that Al Gore created Ebola to save the planet from climate change.
Psychological warfare.

on Oct 19, 2014

Question for country's that stopped inbound flights from Ebola country's.
Has it backfired on you yet?

on Oct 20, 2014

They say soda is bad for you.
When you stop drinking soda and lose
your job because you aren't getting enough done
fast enough, and then live in a ditch because you
can't pay your bills,
is that bad for you?

on Oct 22, 2014

One good thing about windows 8
it has the classic control panel.

on Oct 24, 2014

The first rule of smart club:
Don't talk about smart club.
The second rule of smart club:
Don't talk about smart club.

on Oct 26, 2014

Welcome to the new game show called Ebola.
You are a nurse that just came back from Africa.
Pick door number one or door number two.
Let's see what is behind door number one.
You come back from Africa and go directly to
a quarantine facility where you stay for 21 days or what ever,
until you are cleared to go home and live life as usual.
Let's see what is behind door number two.
You come back from Africa and skip quarantine and go to your home.
After two days at home you develop Ebola and puke all
over the place. The authorities take you to the hospital and
while you are there they remove everything you own from your
home including the curtains and carpet and burn them. They
also bleach your entire home. After you are cured of Ebola you
return to your empty home that stinks like bleach,that none of your friends
will visit and you can't sell.
You can pick door 1 or door 2, thanks for playing Ebola.

on Oct 27, 2014

From the Hippocratic Oath.
"Whatsoever house I may enter, my visit shall be for the
convenience and advantage of the patient; and I will
willingly refrain from doing any injury"
"If I faithfully observe this oath, may I thrive
and prosper in my fortune and profession, and live
in the estimation of posterity; or on breach thereof,
may the reverse be my fate!"

on Oct 31, 2014

Just think,
our reality can only be constructed from
the information we receive.

on Nov 10, 2014

[The question that has no correct answer.]
When will it be done?

on Nov 12, 2014

Congress wrote the Affordable Care Act,
Congress voted on and passed the Affordable Care Act,
the President signed the Affordable Care Act into law.
The American people didn't write it or vote on it.
If stupidity occurred it was not the American people's stupidity.

on Nov 19, 2014

2016 Election Event prediction Chart
Republican House
Republican Senate
Republican President

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