I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
Comments (Page 239)
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on Jun 12, 2014

Crisis Management and the Peter Principle.

on Jun 16, 2014

The unknown friend of a known friend could be an unknown enemy.
The October surprise is starting early this year.

on Jun 18, 2014

'Fake Climate crisis threat to future of human civilization'...

on Jun 18, 2014

It is easier to fool someone than convince them
they have been fooled.

on Jun 20, 2014

[Copy of emails found in trash]

From LL
To Wh
Subject axt rat

Let the cheese know that the rats will be
removed from the premises and placed
in a rat sanctuary. ETA four months.


From Wh
Subject axt rat

Let the cheese know that the rats will be
removed from the premises and placed
in a rat sanctuary. ETA four months.
Good, when complete you will
receive a bonus.

on Jun 21, 2014

I can't see the air,
is it dark matter?

on Jun 22, 2014

From Type III Civilization
To Ants
Subject The Fermi Paradox

You don't have to think your reality is real
just very well contrived.

on Jun 25, 2014

Do we live in a relatively realistic reality?

on Jun 27, 2014

Are this years illegal immigrants taking jobs
from last years illegal immigrants?

on Jul 01, 2014

"National Guard units can be mobilized for federal active
duty to supplement regular armed forces during times of
war or national emergency declared by Congress,the
President or the Secretary of Defense.They can
also be activated for service in their respective states
upon declaration of a state of emergency by the governor
of the state or territory in which they serve, or in the
case of Washington, D.C., by the Commanding General."

on Jul 01, 2014

Climate normal deniers

on Jul 05, 2014

Immortality in hell and the buggy singularity.
"Space 2099"
Drama coming this fall.

on Jul 06, 2014

The new game is called "i-chicken".
You post a comment on twetter ,face bock or
say something on video that offends someone.
Then see how many days you can hold out before
you apologize and lose your job.

on Jul 09, 2014

We can fully test our climate theories by building
a full scale model of the earth and placing it
in orbit around the sun.
Next we can populate it with dinosaurs and
use them as guinea pigs.
To cause a rapid rise in CO2, Al Gore will move
to the new earth,build a large mansion and run the air conditioner.
Al Gore can fly around in Jurassic Farce 1 and give speeches
to the dinosaurs on climate crisis.
Then we can see how many speeches it takes before
our guinea pigs perish.

on Jul 10, 2014

When you're looking they close the border to the
undocumented. When you turn your back they open it again.
The people with power must want it open,
do the people who vote want it closed?

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