I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Jan 13, 2014

Welcome to today's meeting of relativity anonymous.
We will be taking a trip on a universal space lines tour ship.
Find a seat under the bubble canopy for best viewing.
Get out your mirror and put on your seat belt.
The hatch is closed and we are on our way.
We are leaving the solar system and making a big turn
for some sight seeing. We are passing Voyager 1 on our way back
to earth for a fly by. As we pass Voyager 1 we will decelerate
to 99% of the speed of light so we can fly by earth and observe the effects
of special relativity. Earth is coming up on our upper left don't blink.
We will measure and observe earth during our fly by. Notice the earth
is flat as a pancake just like our ancestors thought it was.
Now on our right side is an object with infinite length, watch the
object contract in length as we accelerate. I would take us for another fly by of
earth but the sun just burned out. We will have to travel to my man made
vacation planet on the other side of the universe, ETA 5 minutes.
We will have some beverages waiting for you when we get there.
Do you like Jim Beam?

on Jan 14, 2014

Acceleration,deceleration and gravity are forces you can feel.
I can believe large G forces would slow down a clock.
When a relatively large particle traveling at a high rate of speed in space
hits earth's atmosphere it would experience high G forces.
How many G forces would it experience in an accelerator?

on Jan 17, 2014

Ever notice that after traveling a long distance
at varying speeds you are still right there
and everything else moved.

on Jan 17, 2014

Ever wonder if gravity waves hit you in the eye?
How was your simulation today?
In level one you don't know about Level two and three.
If you jump to level three find level two, you can't go back to level one.

on Jan 18, 2014

Here in your simulation The maximum speed you can reach is zero,
the maximum distance anything can move is the size of the frame of reference.
When objects move away from you they really only shrink in size.
The shrink rate can change appearing to give speed to an object.
Objects can move around in the frame of reference but you can't.
Only you really exist in your simulation. You can be moved to
another simulation at any time changing some rules in your simulation.
Welcome to dementia.

on Jan 18, 2014

Level 1
You believe you live in reality.
Level 3
You know you live in a simulation controlled from the outside,
with consequences that seem real.
Level 2
You ignore that you live in a simulation controlled from the outside
and pretend to live in reality.

on Jan 20, 2014

If the speed of reality is 186,000 miles per second and you can't
travel faster than reality.
Someday if you need to.
Find the knob that raises the speed of reality.
How about 2,000,000 miles per second.

on Jan 23, 2014

You could change it,
how about
"Eight mules for Calvera"

on Jan 24, 2014

The Speed of Gravity What the Experiments Say


on Jan 25, 2014

Phase 1 Conjecture
Phase 2 Speculation
Phase 3 Science
Phase 4 Technology
Phase 5 Application

The following is a Conjecture.

If an object of mass in space effects
other objects of mass in space.
Call this effect gravity.
If this effect is a great deal faster than the speed of light.
You could put two significantly large objects of same size, density and mass
in space and separate them with a large distance.
If you set up a vibration in one you should be able
to detect the vibration in the other. This would
allow you to send information faster than light speed.

on Feb 04, 2014

Study warns of contradicting studies that aren't worth
the toilet paper you study every morning.

on Feb 07, 2014

Do the laws of physics change?

on Feb 09, 2014

How many people with no Demons
died this week in car accidents?

on Feb 10, 2014

John Boehner for president.
Please end the pain.

on Feb 12, 2014

I only had one Football poster when I was a kid.
"O.J. All The Way"

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