I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
Comments (Page 236)
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on Mar 12, 2014

Scientists have it figured out.
That's why the economy went into the toilet.
Want to cut down on pollution then you
should invent viable fusion.

on Mar 13, 2014

Will robots listen to radio and watch TV?

on Mar 15, 2014

Just think,
soon hijackhack of cars, planes, trains, trucks, delivery drones
will be common place.
All made possible by our new incredible technology.

on Mar 24, 2014

I once read that Einstein thought that if he didn't
come up with the "Unified field theory"
no one ever would.

on Mar 26, 2014

The formula predicting the existence of the "Theory of Everything".
A new discovery or theory = The distance to the "Theory of Everything" divided by 2

on Mar 29, 2014

Windows XP The golden age.

on Mar 30, 2014

No one can crap your encryption.

on Mar 31, 2014

Evil and evil, Wrong and wrong.

on Mar 31, 2014

We could all starve to stop climate change.
We could all starve if the climate changes.
Pick one.

on Mar 31, 2014

A day without laughter is a day wasted

on Apr 01, 2014

Which of these do you use?
Worthless garbage
These come in handy.
I've used them each a million times.

on Apr 02, 2014

My number 1 Tip For Success,
Have a wealthy relative.
'Cosmos' Host Explained Why Creationism Makes No Sense.
First there was nothing then a big pile of gold appeared.

on Apr 03, 2014

Have you ever noticed?
No matter what you do
They are never happy
It is never enough
It is never fast enough
It is never really appreciated
Give them an inch and they take a mile
Be a door mat
They will take it all and want more
They always want the impossible
Are they real or just an empty blow up doll?
Are they the stuff under your toe nails?
Do they know how to think?
Are they conscious?
Are they cat puke?

on Apr 05, 2014

100 years to crack your encryption,
30 seconds to jack your key,
10 seconds to use the back door,
5 seconds to fall through the bug,

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