I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Jan 01, 2014

When I was in high school they taught us
that one pot joint was worse for your body
than a whole pack of cigarettes.
Were they lying then, now, or then and now?

on Jan 01, 2014

Dupable and malleable is how they want you.

on Jan 02, 2014

Evidence for evolution was created and left
on earth by extraterrestrials to fool us
while aliens control everything that
happens on earth for their TV show
"sex and war".

on Jan 03, 2014

One thing that sobriety will help you with
is realizing that different people have different
connection speeds when watching videos on the Internet.
Videos having a connection speed setting allow users
to manually select a speed thus facilitating their
ability to actually watch a video.
With out this setting you might as well be on dial up.
Some are to young to have experienced dial up.
I would name names but I don't want to embarrass you.
Have another bong load.

on Jan 03, 2014

Plastic bags are no longer being recycled in LA.
Mankind caused the end of the last ice age.
Have another bong load.

on Jan 05, 2014

Photons Leave a star on the other side of the universe
traveling at the speed of light.
The Photons arrive at earth and from their perspective
no time has passed and no distance has been traveled.
Why then when you detect them with your telescope
did their focal point change and you detect great distance
to the star they came from?
Have another bong load.

on Jan 05, 2014

Lets say you have a ship that could go faster than the
speed of light and take you to a nice planet
on the other side of our galaxy in a short period
of time.
How many of you would leave Earth?
Now you know why they tell you that you
can't go faster than light.
Have another bong load.

on Jan 07, 2014

You are in a space ship that has left mars and
is returning to earth. NASA sends a radio broadcast from earth
toward and on a parallel path to you. Using an accurate clock
NASA broadcasts for exactly 2 minutes. You receive the broadcast
on your ship and use an accurate clock to time the length of the broadcast.
Your ship is traveling 50,000 miles per hour.
Question 1
Using today's physics calculate the time the broadcast lasts
when received and timed by you on the space ship?
Question 2
How long does the broadcast last when received
and timed by you on the space ship during the real

on Jan 07, 2014

If the Special Theory of Relativity is correct.
If the universe expanded after a big bang at a
high rate of speed. If you look toward the other side
of the universe wouldn't the distant objects appear
to be getting further away from you as the expansion
of the universe slows down?

on Jan 09, 2014

10 plus 2 equals 12
Lets test this theory in the [real world].
You have 10 marbles of differing sizes in your pocket.
You go for a 15 minute walk. While walking
you find 2 marbles on the ground and pick
them up and put them in your pocket.
When you return home you move your marbles
to a box and count your marbles.
You count 5 marbles.
[10 plus 2 equals 5]
You also find 1 hole in your pocket.

on Jan 10, 2014

"Vintery, mintery, cutery, corn,
Apple seed and apple thorn;
Wire, briar, limber lock,
Three geese in a flock.
One flew east,
And one flew west,
And one flew over the cuckoo's nest."

on Jan 11, 2014

Someone said something like this.
"If you are in government your job is not to shut down
the government your job is to run the government."

on Jan 11, 2014

Why 'Slobby' Women Make The Best Girlfriends:
They are the best with out a doubt.
When seeing them don't expect or think about marriage.

on Jan 12, 2014

What sounds more illogical and impossible?
Pluto orbiting earth in about 25 hours and traveling
faster than light while orbiting earth.
Observing the length of the known universe
shrink to 1 billion miles.

After contemplating this question you may
need a shrink.

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