I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
Comments (Page 215)
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on Sep 24, 2012

On low capital-gains tax rate:
ROMNEY: "Yeah, I think it’s the right way to encourage
economic growth, to get people to invest, to
start businesses, to put people to work."

Iben: It has been low for quite some time now, and
it isn't working.
What is it doing?
People who sell stock and real estate for a profit
can keep more of the profit and roll it back into more
stock and real estate. Creating no jobs at all.

on Sep 25, 2012

If the capital-gains tax rate was raised to 30%
it would probably create the same number of jobs
possibly more.
How many people work at Mr. Romney's company
where he created jobs what are those jobs,
how much do they earn working at Mr. Romney's company?
If the low capital-gains tax rate is helping
Mr. Romney create jobs at his company I want to know
all about it. How many jobs has this helped you
create at your company this year Mr. Romney?

on Sep 25, 2012

Today's cartoon:
In the picture a man sits in a chair at a desk.
Behind him is a man holding a document in his
left hand that is a new tax law.
In his right hand is a pen that he is stabbing
the man in the chair with in the back.
The caption reads "The civilized world".

on Sep 25, 2012

A preoccupation with matters of government and taxes detracts from the full enjoyment one could have in life if only they it go.

A smile requires less muscular effort than a frown.

Frequent frowns cause deeper wrinkles and skin discoloration.

Deep wrinkles and dark bags under the eyes suggest a preoccupation with things one cannot change.

Just sayin'

on Sep 26, 2012

Due to the current trend in ratings, exaggeration
and chicken littles,
Jon Stewart is the "Omega Brain".

on Sep 26, 2012

Social Security Senate Candidate Proposes GOP 'Sunset'

on Sep 26, 2012

I turned on conservative talk radio today
for the first time in years. They were all
playing best of shows from five years ago.
I switched to the news channel.

on Sep 28, 2012

Regarding the interview of the two
presidential candidates by 60 minutes:
Which one looked like he just came out of
a freezer was on medication and faking it all
the way?

on Sep 29, 2012

We aren't sure about your 'Mental Well-Being'
so try to relieve some stress with this football.


on Oct 01, 2012

The plan is to layoff 25 million in the first year
and then create 12 million jobs in the following 3 years.
Have a twinkie.


on Oct 02, 2012

Are we ready for the bottom to the top
electronic fire storm of analysis Thursday?


on Oct 02, 2012

What you are, is God's gift to you.

What you become, is your gift to God.

on Oct 02, 2012

Has Obama helped the economy?
Some people wouldn't know
because they aren't living it.
What is reality?
Anything you try to ignore or
pretend doesn't exist.


on Oct 03, 2012

Mr. Romney buys the exact same Health insurance
policy as people in the middle class?
Mr. Romney likes his private insurance company
and if he doesn't he gets another one.

on Oct 04, 2012

Lets say that some time in the first half
of this century Social Security and Medicare
become privatized.
What happens when all the private companies go
out of business?
A bail out.

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