I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Aug 10, 2012

I see the Lone Ranger and Tonto in todays PANORAMA from Mars.

on Aug 23, 2012

What you have is freewill.
What you need is the ba*** to use it.
I don't have to consult anyone to make a decision I have a brain.

on Aug 24, 2012

Hiring illegals.
That's not cheating is it?
Looking the other way that's not cheating?
Suing anything with money isn't cheating?
Passing bogus laws isn't cheating?
Selling things in plastic bottles and then taxing it for plastic
isn't cheating?
Going to work so you can afford to drive to work, society isn't cheating you?
Earning no interest on your money while the bank loans it out at 20% isn't cheating you?
Paying four times what the house cost while the house goes down in value and your savings
is turned to nothing isn't cheating you?
Working 25 years for nothing isn't cheating you?
Making 30,000 a year and paying more tax than a billionaire isn't cheating you?
Paying your medical insurance for 15 years and then losing it right when you need it
isn't cheating you?
Being happy with the system because you are one of three people it works for
isn't cheating.
Being accused of cheating by cheaters isn't cheating?
Trying to make the system better for everybody
and you are the anti Christ?

on Aug 24, 2012

Two solutions for athletes accused of cheating:
1) If you can't prove it within two weeks after the event your accusation
is disqualified.
2) From now on, no tests anything goes.
Don't worry that blood and urine has a half life of 10,000,000 years
and it will be kept in a safe place where no one can tamper with it.
Seven years later?
Was it doping or a hidden electric motor?

on Aug 24, 2012

"But on the other hand, these types of cases send a powerful message
to all athletes out there that their decision to play by the rules
ethically and principally is an important one and is one that's going to be supported."

Dream on:
Ya, at least 12 years of the glory and stardom.
I can't name one of the supposed athletes that played by the rules
and never will.
It is a powerful message.

on Aug 28, 2012

“We have nobody to protect us against OPEC,” Trump told CNBC. “We have nobody
that calls them, that sees them, and talks to them. They got greedy before the
election, and they might lose their good friend Barack Obama.”

If Trump owned major world oil fields he wouldn't be greedy would he?


on Aug 29, 2012

You can't have that abortion,
We are going to punch it and put gum in it's hair,
we are going to work it for the all mighty profit,
nothing it does will ever be enough to make us happy,
we are going to push it every day until it is
worn out and then we are going to flush it.

on Aug 30, 2012

You were sitting in an air conditioned office yakking on the
phone complaining about workers high wages while (someone
else built it). You also complained that there wasn't enough
profit while you still took home more than anyone else
at the company.

on Aug 30, 2012

Jeb Bush: "U.S. future depends on better education"

Ya, that's why you are all being systematically replaced
by totally uneducated workers that don't even speak English.

on Aug 31, 2012

If elected Mitt Romney will have unemployment down to 5%
by 2014.
That is the bench mark, if it isn't met Clint Eastwood
has described the outcome.

on Sep 02, 2012

Broken promises:
Did you feel safe in 2008 standing on the edge of a cliff.
What was the play, 31 dive?

on Sep 04, 2012

You can tell people a lot of stuff and they
still believe what ever they want. 

on Sep 07, 2012

Ann Coulter would make a great democrat,
has she ever been married?
How many children has she had?
Does she live in a glass house?
How does she avoid becoming pregnant?
Has she ever had an abortion?
I am just following her template.

on Sep 07, 2012

Does she dress like a street walker?


on Sep 09, 2012

Don't win to early in the game they will
change the rules and start the game over.
Better to hold back and win at the end.

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