I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
Comments (Page 214)
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on Sep 10, 2012

Oh goody goody I get to move to the white house
and redecorate,
oh goody goody I'm so excited I can't wait to
have my first party.
Better not let her down Santa.

Can you taste it? 

on Sep 11, 2012

Look at the silver lining Santa,
if you let her down the pool boy
will still be happy.


on Sep 12, 2012

Iben, you're a machine...  

on Sep 12, 2012

Is it possible that a very advanced civilization
from another galaxy has placed sensors on Mars
disguised as rocks that are monitoring the rover
for signs of aggression toward the Martian inhabitants
who are also disguised as rocks.

on Sep 15, 2012

Can I get the cabbage patch phone?

on Sep 16, 2012

Waiting for a republican to win the presidency?

You have wasted four years of your life waiting
and it is starting to look like you have the
opportunity to waste four more.

on Sep 17, 2012

I've noticed that Muslims are the friendliest nicest
people you will ever meet.

on Sep 18, 2012

News flash:
If you don't work you still pay taxes.
This has been a news flash.

on Sep 18, 2012

If you work under the table you still pay taxes.

on Sep 20, 2012

Company Report 1A:
We are happy to report that you will get a raise if
there is enough extra money left over after we give
Mr. Romney his raise.

Company Report 1A-2:
We are informing you that Mr. Romney's raise was so large
that there is no extra money left for anyone else.

Company Report 1A-3:
We are informing you that you will have to take a 25%
pay cut so we can afford the projected raise next year
for Mr. Romney.
Lets say that according to physics there is enough energy
in my glass cup to light a bulb for 10,000,000 years.
In order to prove this would we have to light the bulb
using the glass cup?
If we can't light the bulb using the cup then is there
really any energy in the cup?
You complain about media bias,
I guess you're a victim or do you
just think you're a victim?

on Sep 22, 2012

If an average worker has a total of around 22% tax
taken out of their paycheck and you are paying
14% tax of your income how are you getting screwed
if your taxes go up to 22% ?

(Around 22% where I live.)

on Sep 23, 2012

"You may have won gold medals for your art, young man, but never take on a pole dancing gig in a gay bar."

Then there was the teetotal hooker, who told all her co-workers that she preferred men to liquor.

Oh, and if only somebody had told Heather Mills that she'd be ill-advised to get into an arse kicking contest with Paul McCartney.

Cos as the end of the day, it's not whether people see you lose your dignity when you fall on your arse, but whether they'll call an ambulance when you hit the floor.


on Sep 23, 2012

Stock parts I'd like in the future please:

1) A disk defragmenter with a chart and a progress bar.
2) System restore that asks me if I would like to postpone
the restore point till later.
3) A full boot that takes five minutes.
4) XP forever edition.
5) SYSINTERNALS autoruns.
6) A great backup program like Retrospect Express.
7) Access to all the folders on my computer without
having to fill out an application.
8) Notepad with spell check.
9) A weather forecast that is accurate.
10) Rich people that complain less than poor people.


on Sep 24, 2012

I've paid capital gains there was no corporate level.
Warren Buffett is smart enough for me.

on Sep 24, 2012

His "plan" is to get rid of deductions,lower taxes
and you pay the same.
Why do it if you end up the same?
They will add new deductions later that you won't
even know exist for his buddies.

Quote "My taxes are fair"
Has anyone else ever said that in Earth history?
If they are fair you need to come up and
join the rest of us in unfair.

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