I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Oct 05, 2012

You can vote for M.Satan R.
but you have to leave your soul in
the voting booth.
I'm going to keep mine thanks.


on Oct 06, 2012

You are the President of the United States.
My suggestion for the next debate:
Have a few cigarettes.
I'll have one and
David Blaine might become one.


on Oct 07, 2012

You are an environmentalist you want
to save the trees,the fish,the bugs.
There is only one way to save them,
teach people birth control.
Anything else you do is a disguised
attempt to steal peoples money
and nothing more.

on Oct 07, 2012

Birth control could be a simple as two letters... no.  However, mans preoccupation with his dick usually means he won't take no for an answer.


on Oct 07, 2012

With one hour a night to think
you really can't figure out much
can you?
Lucky you.

on Oct 07, 2012

With politicians being in it only for themselves

When it comes to election day in your area

You can only elect one from the bottom of the heap.

on Oct 07, 2012

"Thou shalt not think."
Was that one of the commandments?

2000 years ago no one needed birth control.
Today we do.

on Oct 07, 2012

If you don't get mad about anything,
you either don't care about anything or you don't need to.
If some people don't care about anything they end up homeless
and happy.


on Oct 07, 2012

He who laughs last thinks the slowest.
He who thinks the fastest makes a lot of mistakes.
Dumb people are easy to take advantage of and much loved.


on Oct 08, 2012

So you have a large tax plan that rewrites the whole system.
If you can't get it passed through congress
you have no plan at all.
What are the odds?
Slim and none.

on Oct 08, 2012

If you just concentrated on keeping
everybody honest the economy would be fine.


on Oct 10, 2012

In this very very important election
I see the main topic of controversy
a crucial topic for the survival of the country,
a big topic.


on Oct 10, 2012

Looks like we may have been misled on Libya
and WMDs in Iraq.


on Oct 11, 2012

There is a recession after every "proven policy" Paul.


on Oct 12, 2012

I don't know if the universe is a simulation
but it definitely has a crack in it.

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