I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Oct 15, 2012

Edit: Most annoying not deadly sound is finger nails on a large chalk board,
always has been and always will be.

My opinion. 

on Oct 15, 2012

Worst sound is finger nails on a large chalk board,

always has been and always will be.

Train whistle/horn whilst you're stuck on a crossing.

on Oct 15, 2012

Space starts at about 62 miles high.

on Oct 17, 2012

Question from the audience:
I just graduated college,
how are you going to create more jobs for
young people like me?
Let me give you my in depth 20 point plan.
I owned a lot of businesses and I know
I can get America working again.

Question from the audience:
Would you lie for 40 million a year?

Question from the audience for Payne:
When the US was running a surplus why didn't
people like you scream at the top of your lungs
to pay down the national debt?

on Oct 18, 2012

Here's John and Ken's California cheat sheet
let's see if I got it right.
Prop 30 no
Prop 31 no
Prop 32 no
Prop 33 no
Prop 34 no
Prop 35 no
Prop 36 no
Prop 37 no
Prop 38 no
Prop 39 no
Prop 40 yes


on Oct 20, 2012

I had some words to live by but it looks like I stumbled into the trolling thread. Oh well....

on Oct 23, 2012

A comprehensive and robust strategy
with lots of gravitas and some parsley on the side
dill pickles between your toes french fries
up your nose and don't forget our frosty shakes
they're made from polluted lakes.
On top of old smokey.

on Oct 25, 2012

A Mitt is something you wear to remove things from a hot oven.

Or something you wear when the temperature plummets to below freezing.

But a Mitt isn't something you'd want to wear every day for 4 years, is it?

Hopefully, it goes the other way at the polling booth on election day.

on Oct 25, 2012

The guilty dog barks first.

on Oct 25, 2012

A Mitt is something you wear to keep blood(and stink) off your hand while shaking hands with Obammy.

on Oct 25, 2012

Forward or rerun.

on Oct 26, 2012

The guilty dog barks first.

Like a rabbit smells its own hole?

on Oct 26, 2012

A Mitt is something you wear to keep blood(and stink) off your hand while shaking hands with Obammy.

More words of wisdom....

Shake hands only with a person whom you respect and/or admire... otherwise you become a hypocrite who is not true to one's self/beliefs.

The state premier was visiting my place of work one day and was shaking the hands of all department personnel.  When it came to me I placed my hands behind my back and rejected the offer.  He walked off somewhat miffed and my department head asked me why I refused to shake hands with my ultimate boss.  I said that I neither liked or respected him, so there was no way I would become a hypocrite and pretend that I did with a handshake.

As for the upcoming US election, keep your expectations very low... because regardless of which candidate gets elected, he's not going meet them.

on Oct 29, 2012

Mitt Romney is to Blame for Hurricane Sandy.

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