I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
Comments (Page 211)
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on Jul 14, 2012

Is it to late to go with Santorum?

on Jul 15, 2012

1. No.  Go with him.

on Jul 15, 2012

Scanning for a heart came up negative.

on Jul 15, 2012

Twitter top 100
19 speed 36

on Jul 16, 2012

First site I visit everyday: Garfield - Today's Comic
Number 1 forum on the Internet: Wincustomize
Number 1 news site on the Internet: AOL
Number 2 news site on the Internet: The Huffington Post
Number 3 news site on the Internet: DAILY ROTATION
Number 4 news site on the Internet: Yahoo
Number 5 news site on the Internet: CBS News
Number 6 news site on the Internet: msnbc news
Number 7 news site on the Internet: Google News
Number 1 gossip site on the Internet: omg
Number 1 comedy site on the Internet: DRUDGE REPORT
Honorable mention: Time.com
Number 1 science site on the Internet: PhysOrg.com


on Jul 16, 2012

Some guy hit my fender the other day, and I said unto him 'Be fruitful, and multiply.' But not in those words.
Woody Allen

on Jul 16, 2012

"The people who make the country work."
"The people who are doing all the work."

on Jul 16, 2012

Trying in vain to win a campaign would be a huge wasted effort.

on Jul 17, 2012

40 million a year isn't spitting into the wind.
If you were the only person on earth,
the microphone wouldn't exist and you would be spitting into the wind.

on Jul 17, 2012

Romney: Obama 'wants Americans to be ashamed of success'
Enron was a success.

on Jul 20, 2012

Just because the vast majority of people
on earth are insane doesn't mean that everyone is.

on Jul 21, 2012

Cable bill 68
phone bill 34
cell phone bill 100
dSL bill 34
electric bill 70
car insurance 100-150
gas 100
food 200
taxes ???
car payment 200-300
rent 500-2000
Spending money per month .25 cents
College tuition ???????????????????????????
Books ????????
speeding ticket ???????
parking ticket ?????????????
fender bender 1500
oil change 50
new shoes 150
credit card bill 500
unemployment check

on Jul 21, 2012

Ever wonder what keeps hot coals from going out?
Snake oil.

on Jul 21, 2012

"You can overcome anything"
It gets tiring after a while,
let me know how it went in about 150 years.

on Jul 23, 2012

The earth fell through a worm hole is space
and we are now officially on the other side of
the universe.

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