I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Jun 02, 2012

"Cable news ratings are down across the board."
After four years of nothing but bad news and news about stupid policies
I got rid of the cable, A person can only take so much of this endless crap.

on Jun 06, 2012

It took 160 million years to get bored of dinosaurs.
That is what you are dealing with.
Wake up and smell the coffee.

on Jun 09, 2012

Keep running the experiment until you figure a way
to get the results you are looking for.

on Jun 09, 2012

Five different web sites five different headlines.

"European ministers hatch $125 billion plan to support teetering Spain"

"IMF says Spanish banks need nearly $50 billion"

"Swedish PM: 'Talk' Spain Needs $100B Rescue Loans"

"Spain Aid Request Awaited as IMF Says Banks Need $46 Billion"

"SPAIN POISED FOR BAILOUT WEEKEND...40 billion euros...Could reach 100 billion..."

on Jun 09, 2012

If two different observers both observe the same phenomenon traveling
two different distances neither one of them know how fast it was really traveling.

on Jun 09, 2012

One observer is in a train that he believes is not moving.
He throws a ball to his friend in the train who is 10 feet away.
They believe the ball traveled 10 feet.
An observer outside the train observes the ball travel 500 feet because the train is moving.
Neither the observer in the train or the observer outside the train know how fast the ball is traveling.
As it turns out the observer out side the train is also in a train that he doesn't know is moving.
The observer outside both trains observes the ball travel 20,000 feet.
None of the observers know how far the ball really traveled and
therefore don't know how fast the ball is moving.
The speed of light is a rough estimate that will get you to
grandma's house on time if you and grandma both live on earth about 20 miles apart.

on Jun 10, 2012

I am holding a sock in my living room 3 feet above the floor.
I release the sock and it hits the floor in one second.
I know that the sock traveled at least 1527 feet and quite possibly a great deal more.

on Jun 11, 2012

Detector 1 sends a signal to the clock when detection is made.
Detector 2 sends a signal to the clock when detection is made.
We know the elapsed time from the clock receiving signal 1 to
the clock receiving signal 2.
We don't know how far signal 1 or signal 2 traveled or how fast the signals travel.
Therefore we don't know how long it took the neutrinos to go from Detector 1 to Detector 2.
We also don't know the distance the neutrinos traveled from Detector 1 to Detector 2.

on Jun 11, 2012

You are 20 miles from shore in the ocean on a boat.
You drop a large heavy object into the ocean from the boat
and this creates a wave in the water moving toward the shore.
The wave is energy traveling through the water.
Does the energy travel further then 20 miles to reach the shore?
If you change the amplitude or the frequency of the wave
does that change the distance the energy travels to shore?

on Jun 12, 2012

I have a shoe lace, both ends of the shoe lace are connected to an apparatus.
The length of the apparatus is 24.5 inches.
I move one end of the apparatus and cause a wave to move from
one end to the other through the shoe lace.
The shoe lace is 43.5 inches long.
The energy moving through the shoe lace is traveling 43.5 inches
in order to reach the destination 24.5 inches from the origin.

on Jun 12, 2012

[Test for the speed of light]
We put two satellites in a circular orbit around the sun
so they are on opposite sides of the sun but still have
line of site between them for maximum distance.
They are both traveling the same speed so the distance between
them never changes.
Now we shoot lasers between them every so many seconds for two years
and check our math.
The time for the laser travel between them should never change.
There are two catches.
1) I don't know if a circular orbit is possible.
2) We have to determine the distance between the satellites
with out using light or electromagnetic radiation.

on Jun 12, 2012

How about a braille story stick.

on Jun 13, 2012

I am sending you a packet of information.
When you receive the packet you will send me a confirmation message
letting me know that you received the packet of information from me.
When I receive your confirmation message I will send the next
packet of information faster then the speed of light.
The first packet of information is in the black box below.
Mouse over the box to read the information.

on Jun 13, 2012

The minimum wage in 1981 had the buying power
of $13.20 per hour today where I live.

on Jun 13, 2012

Lets say NASA has a rover on Mars and total message time
to the rover and back to NASA is 48 minutes, 24 to and 24 back.
NASA wants to cut that time in half, total turn around time of 24 minutes.
[The solution]
A station is placed with personnel at a half way point.
NASA sends a new location for the rover message to the station.
The station sends confirmation to NASA and relays the message to the
rover. 24 minutes after sending the message NASA receives confirmation
and the rover starts moving to the new location.
The rover sends a distress call to the station, "I am 10 feet from a cliff
here is a picture, need new instruction".The station tells the rover to
back away from the cliff to 20 feet and resume original heading and sends
an update to NASA.
25 minutes after the distress call the rover is backing away from the cliff
and NASA receives the update and picture.
1 minute work time at the station, real time updates at NASA.

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