I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Jun 15, 2012

You are NASA, you are 24 minutes at light speed from the rover on mars.
You are watching the rover through a telescope.
The station half way between you and the rover on mars sends a
message to the rover and you instructing the rover to drill the rock.
When you receive the message you know the state of the rover at that moment.
The rover is drilling the rock. 24 minutes after receiving the information
you see the rover drilling the rock through your telescope.
Proving that information can travel faster than light.
Quantum entanglement.
"Spooky Action at a Distance."

on Jun 16, 2012

Some people live in the past,
Some people live in the present,
Some people live in the future.
Information travels faster than reality.
If you can think and you have information
you can live in the future.
I live in the future most of the time.
Bad moods are hard to avoid if you live in the future.


on Jun 16, 2012

I am sending you a packet of information.
It is the same as the last packet of information that
I sent you.
Realize that you don't need to open it because you already know what it says.

on Jun 17, 2012

Failure is a percentage of every thing we do.
That's life.
I just try to have the highest percentage of success
that I can.

on Jun 28, 2012

Mark Levin "When the government runs something the costs go through the roof."

Iben "Healthcare costs went through the roof 20 years ago."

S = E + W

E = Energy
W = Work
S = Shit

Rest In Peace
Rip off 

on Jun 29, 2012

The American people are looking for a mechanism that allows
them to go to the doctor.
If you don't have children you pay more tax,
If you don't have a mechanism for healthcare you pay more tax.

on Jun 29, 2012

You can call me Ray, or you can call me Jay,
You can call me Fee, or You can call me Bee,
You can call me Penalty, or You can call me Scam,
You can call me Settlement, or you can call me Fine,
You can call me Charge, or You can call me Toll,
You can call me Cost, or You can call me Fare,
You can call me Rate, or You can call me Subscription,
You can call me Duty, or You can call me Levy,
You can call me Excise, or You can call me Tariff,
But you doesn't have to call me Taxes.

on Jul 02, 2012

Rush Limbaugh could prove we have freedom of speech
by becoming a liberal for one year.

on Jul 03, 2012

Why do we have a two party system?
You have to have someone to blame for the problems.

on Jul 05, 2012

Everyone that disagrees with the Supreme Court's Health Care Ruling
will be explaining the Higgs boson in detail tomorrow.

on Jul 05, 2012

The fat dad thin dad book and seminar:
If you start the game with a thin dad go
back to the start and throw the dice again.
Continue going back to the start and throwing
the dice until you end up with a fat dad,
then proceed to payday and buy hotels.

on Jul 08, 2012

"the numbers are the numbers"
Are they really?

on Jul 09, 2012

Oh I got friends in high places
where the printing press runs
and the interest rate changes my blues away
I'll be ok
cause I got friends in high places
Lets slip on up to the roof top bar
and eat the night away

on Jul 10, 2012

The next time a republican wins the Presidency
you will hear this in the back room.
"Those are our printing presses now."

on Jul 11, 2012

If a republican wins the Presidency: The forecast:
Military spending will increase,
Taxes will be lowered for the job creators,
The deficit will spiral up to new levels
and the President will blame congress for not
cutting spending.
Tax incentives for research on Thermoelectric 'heat engines'
will be cut.

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