I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on May 15, 2012

Dodgers sold for 2 billion.
Facebook is worth 100 billion.
Have some more glue.

on May 15, 2012

Buy $50,000 of face for $35. per share lets say.
That is 1428 shares.
Sell all your shares in 5 months when the price hits $50. per share.
That gives you $71400. minus $50000. equals $21400. profit.
Subtract the trade fee what ever that is and pay capital gains of 15%.
About $18190. is left. That is $3638. per month to live on for five months of your hard work.
When everyone is done taking their profit buy $50000. of face and do it again.
Never work again for life.
The more you invest the more you can live on per month.
It is that easy as long as you have $50000. that you can spare.
Just know when face is played out and it is time for a new stock.

on May 16, 2012

The job creators have created a job.
George Jetson is going to push the buy button on Friday,
then he is going on a 6 month vacation.
When he returns George is going to push the sell button,
and then go on a year vacation, on an island and lay
on the beach with a friend and discuss some inside information.
When George returns he will push the buy button and head to

on May 16, 2012

The long term 3 year plan is to sell as much stock as he can
with out totally killing the stock price before the traffic dries up.

on May 19, 2012

We should probably stay with the same administration,
the transition costs are enormous.
Someone should calculate the price so we can factor that
into our decision.

on May 20, 2012

"Today there are about 32.7 million Americans living alone."
That's 32.7 million Americans that are tired of babysitting
other people.
"How do I turn my TV on and where do I hook this wire?"
Read the F****** manual.

on May 20, 2012

Yeah and it's all on paper piled up to the moon.

on May 24, 2012

The secret to a relationship that will last forever.
Pick a girl you don't want.

on May 27, 2012

 that's good work boys...

on May 29, 2012


The world’s total fertility rate -- the number of children the average woman will bear over her lifetime -

- has dropped to 2.6 today from 4.9 in 1960. Half of the people in the world live in countries where the

fertility rate is below what demographers reckon is the replacement level of 2.1, and are thus in shrinking societies.


The coming biological revolution may change civilization more profoundly than did the industrial or

information revolutions.The world has not come to grips with the implications of writing genetic code to

create new lifeforms or have they

on May 30, 2012

Leather chaps are better then nothing and are adjustable.

on May 30, 2012

"A man will allow himself to remain trapped inside of a room with a door that is unlocked and opens inwards~

As long as it does not occur to him to pull, rather than push against it."

Ludwig Wittgenstein



"Fuck you, you fuckin' fuck"

Tony Montana,Scarface

on May 30, 2012

Mitt Romney made a phone call last night and turned the
oil and gold prices down.

on May 31, 2012

Every seed you plant doesn't grow.

What would you rather be in during an earth quake
an airplane or a train?

on Jun 01, 2012

Conservative talk radio is propaganda just like all the other propaganda.
Define propaganda?
1. publicity to promote something: information put out by an organization or government to promote a policy, idea, or cause
2. misleading publicity: deceptive or distorted information that is systematically spread

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