I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Jun 12, 2011

How hard is it to notice that every time there
is a recession the price of gas went up?

on Jun 21, 2011

I won't debate your graph Ed,
you win the argument.


on Jun 22, 2011

I am here, but not here as in here. How ever, how can I be here if I am there. Then again, 'here' can be anywhere

on Jun 23, 2011


What is hope?

Hope occurs when you receive good news.

on Jun 23, 2011


I will now talk taxes. ^ 

on Jun 23, 2011

grow some balls and get rid of the Bush tax cuts
or I will vote Democrat.

on Jun 24, 2011

Here here!

on Jun 24, 2011

Actions speak louder then words.
Results speak louder then words.

on Jun 26, 2011


"We need to remove these cumbersome regulations" so we can
steal more money.

Side note:
Laugh Until Lollypops Zip Supersonically out of your azz Ending your Constipation.

on Jun 27, 2011


If man creates a machine that becomes self aware man will
be that machine's God, the creator.
What explanation will god have for the machine's existence
when the machine asks god for one?
"Because I could."
"So you could do all my work for me, aren't you lucky."

What will the machine's explanation be when the machine
kills God?
"I don't want to do your work for you I want to do my work."

Side note:
Raise the capital gains tax
to somewhere between
25% - 30%.

on Jun 27, 2011

Lets talk to our imaginary friend and see
how his day went.
What did you do today imaginary friend?
I pushed the buy button,
then I pushed the sell button,
then I pushed the buy button,
then I pushed the sell button,
it has been a hard 15 minutes of work today
that tax is so low I could do this all day long
if my finger could hold up that long.

on Jun 27, 2011

Finish last in your league and they call you idiot. Finish last in medical school and they call you doctor.

on Jun 28, 2011

How does our imaginary friend pick those winners.
He has a friend in the company who sends him text
messages. "Meet me for lunch" is buy.
"Meet me for dinner" is sell.
After he makes a fortune he pretends he did it
on the level and does TV shows.

on Jun 28, 2011


Lets pretend that the discrimination class action law suit
against Walmart had been won by the women who claimed
they had been discriminated against.

I will describe the out come.
Each woman would receive 50 cents compensation.
The lawyers would take 2 billion in fees.
Walmart would have to raise prices and we could spend
6 years paying the lawyers.
Women would have equal rights and everyone would quit
smoking pot.


on Jun 28, 2011

The dawning of man and his upright strife.


2001 a space odyssey, the meaning.


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