I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Jun 01, 2011

Don't take any wooden nickles.

on Jun 02, 2011

For men who haven't figured it out yet.
Some of the things women are interested in are,
Your personality, your looks, your wallet,
and your social status.
Don't bother sending a picture of your thing to her,
she really doesn't care that much about it.
This is also for women who haven't figured it out yet.

on Jun 03, 2011

Today we have the "drive by media" on one side and
the "stuck in a chair broken record media" on the other side.

on Jun 03, 2011


You are a winner, you are very wealthy.

I am going to move you into the loser universe.

You are 48 years old you work hard and are honest.
You have been working hard for 30 years, you clean toilets
10 hours a day 6 days a week, after 30 years with over time
you are making 30,000 a year. This is the best you can do.
You get laid off and go on unemployment.
This is what you have to look forward to.
You will find another job cleaning toilets and work
10 hours a day 6 days a week until you drop dead.
You will need social security and medicare.
Every investment you made in your life was a rip off
and you are broke.
Are you de hypnotized yet?



on Jun 05, 2011


The question that can't be answered.
"Are they stupid or do they do it on purpose?"

The phrase that works in any situation.
"It could have been worse."

I am an idiot I can't spell,
but in first grade I would have thrown out
the spelling of the English language and started over.
Here is a start.
The ch sound = upside down F
The sh sound = a backwards E
The vowels have a line or a curve over them for long or short.
We won't start over because all the geniuses that
memorized the dictionary could no longer read.
You would have to redesign the keyboard all so.
Knighty knight.


on Jun 05, 2011

Now we will cut a piece of material to fit into a 20 foot slot.
We measure the length of the slot to be 20 feet.
We will use 1 inch thick material.
If we only measure the width of the slot at one end and find
it to be 3/4 inch wide and cut our material 3/4 inch wide to fit,
we will enter an alternate universe where the slot is 3/4 inch
wide on one end and 1 inch wide on the other.
Our material will not fit the slot.
If we measure both ends of the slot before we cut the material to fit,
we will enter an alternate universe where the width of the slot is
a consistent 3/4 inch wide from end to end.
We cut our material 3/4 inch wide and it fits in the slot.
There are an infinite number of universes and each decision
we make sends us into one of these universes.
Knighty night.

on Jun 06, 2011

I will now prove that 2 + 2 doesn't equal 4.
Cut a piece of titanium 2 inches long.
Cut another piece of titanium 2 inches long.
Clamp these together at the ends that you made the cuts.
Measure the total length of the clamped titanium using
a very accurate measuring device.
The measurement you take will not be 4 inches.

The way I learned to spell is I try to spell
the word wrong and spell check it.
Nighty knight.
Nite nite
Nite nit.

on Jun 06, 2011

I heard this on the TV today.
TV: "There isn't anything we can't afford if we prioritize."

Iben: "There isn't anything we can't afford if we
decide there is something else we can't afford to pay for it,
in which case there is something we can't afford."

"There isn't anything we can't afford if there is something we can't afford."

"There are some things we can't afford."

TV: "You have
The Known
The Known Unknown ...

on Jun 08, 2011

late afternoon,
twelve o'clock,
twelve midnight,
middle of the night,
the wee hours,
the wee small hours


on Jun 08, 2011

Do you want people who are proven to be idiots
working in your government?

on Jun 08, 2011

break of day,
first light,
crack of dawn,
be born,
start in on,
start off,
set in motion,
embark on,
start the ball rolling,
get underway,
kick off,
set in train,
bring into being,
set off,
set up,
come into being,

on Jun 10, 2011

"Why Does The Deficit Matter?"
Does it matter if I borrow 2000 dollars
from Bob and never pay it back?
If it doesn't you can send me the 2 grand Bob.

on Jun 10, 2011

This is what I would do.
I would do what ever I could to lower energy prices
for consumers.
Drill, dig, piss on a spark plug.
This would help the economy a lot.
At the same time I would give large tax incentives
to companies that successfully create new cleaner
more efficient forms of energy.
More of these companies could exist in a strong economy.

on Jun 10, 2011

If a candidate has no chance of winning,
why do they waste air time knocking that candidate down?
Slow news day?
24 hours to fill?

on Jun 10, 2011

It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.

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