I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Jul 14, 2011

At the beginning of the Weiner scandal
Hannity predicted on the radio that Weiner would resign.
Hannity said he had inside sources.
I wonder if those sources were hacked phones?

on Jul 15, 2011

The way to solve our "hacking problem"
is to find out who the people are that
are doing the hacking.

on Jul 16, 2011

You say you don't need much sleep
and you work a lot of hours every day.
You would find out if you got a lot of sleep
for about a month that the human brain
doesn't function correctly with out enough sleep.
You are a busy person and you are telling me
that you have 45 minutes a day to waste with a psychiatrist.

on Jul 19, 2011

"Friends With Benefits"

You are fooling yourselves.

It is "Enemies With Benefits"
or "War With Benefits".

Friends don't have any Benefits.

on Jul 19, 2011

If the economy gets worse from this point forward
the republicans own it.

on Jul 21, 2011


Head line:
"Lady Gaga Says Women Don't Enjoy Sex Until Mid-Twenties"

Is that one at a time or twenty at the same time? 

on Jul 21, 2011

Hmmmmmm...........Let me see. How about a tombstone saying..... "I finally found the perfect WindowBlind....I tweaked and tweaked....just perfect!....had a heart attack and died....happy. The End."

Old Crab just saying.... Grand Raspberries to all and to all a good night!

on Jul 21, 2011


It was my understanding that ordinary people elect
representatives to go to Washington,
to make informed, educated, intelligent votes
on our behalf whether they get re-elected or not. 

on Jul 22, 2011

20,000 x 12.5 = 250,000
30,000 x 8.33 = 249,900
40,000 x 6.25 = 250,000
50,000 x 5 = 250,000
40,000 x 1,000 = 40,000,000


on Jul 22, 2011


"Is the Seven-Year Itch a Real Thing?"

Yes, it starts 6 months into a new relationship
followed by 6.5 years time to accept it.

on Jul 23, 2011

Compromise might be unobtainable now but,
in the not to distant future it will be unnecessary.
In the last three years the republicans have accomplished
one thing.
I have become an independent.

on Jul 24, 2011

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall in the 21 century
Humpty Dumpty was equip with air bags
When Humpty Dumpty fell off the wall he bounced like a big rubber ball
No one had to put Humpty Dumpty back together again because he didn't break

on Jul 26, 2011


I guess we can expect a new speaker of the house soon.
Don't cry. 


on Jul 27, 2011


I have designed a new e-mail program with all the
options and features you could ever need.
Here is a screen shot.


on Jul 28, 2011

I think arranged marriage is probably the best.
That way you can start out hating each others guts
and it can only get better.

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