I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Jun 30, 2011

Mr. Laughblim says "life isn't fair".
IF Mr. Limblaugh's taxes go up would that prove him correct?

on Jun 30, 2011


To avoid brain washing watch,listen,read more then one network. 

on Jul 01, 2011

The car registration in California just went up.
Everyone in California is going to quit driving a car,
car mechanics and manufactures are going to go out of business.

on Jul 01, 2011

In the last 3 months I have had 3 half gallons of milk
go sour 5 days before the date on the bottle.
I am not the only person this has happened to.
This is more then one store.
I have never had milk go sour before the date on the bottle
in 47.5 years.

on Jul 01, 2011

"Don't take life so serious, it ain't nohow permanent" (P. Pine Philosopher)

on Jul 02, 2011

When the government receives our tax money,
that money doesn't sit around gathering dust.


on Jul 03, 2011


The Bush tax cuts occurred because the government was running
a surplus.
The government decided to give the extra money back to you
because they didn't need it for the current expenses.
Today this is no longer the case.


on Jul 04, 2011

Two ten year wars cause the governments expenses to go up.
Two men do the same thing,
they call one a thief
and the other a banker.


on Jul 04, 2011

When they said "the free flow of oil at market prices"
you didn't know they wanted to get that price up
did you?

on Jul 06, 2011


Boehner's American people:
Six people in a private jet
on their way to his re-election fund raiser.

on Jul 07, 2011

If all taxes were done away with,
they would still say that the government
has a spending problem not a tax revenue problem.

on Jul 08, 2011


Come up with a new incentive to invest in real estate. 

on Jul 10, 2011

How can you tell if a candidate is qualified to be President?
He or she wins the election.
Put your sugar where your mouth is.

on Jul 13, 2011

I have been monitoring the broad casts for over 20 years.
I can show you the door,
you are the one who has to walk through it.
Think for yourself.
Leaving out half the story is one way they mislead.
Lying to your face is another.
They are so brain washed they might actually believe their
own words but I think they will do anything to win.
As soon as you have a government and taxation
you have socialism.
To have a civilized society you need government.

on Jul 13, 2011


Customers create jobs.
If the majority of customers get a pay raise they will buy more goods.
If the majority of customers get a pay cut they will buy less goods.
Customers buying more goods create jobs.
We all can be job creators. 

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