I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
Comments (Page 191)
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on Apr 23, 2011

The only people who know the truth were there,
and they could all lie about it.
If you want to know the truth you had to be there.

on Apr 28, 2011

They or who ever were trying to create a perfect
empty universe and it got lumpy, then the slinky appeared.
How does life survive?
By eating the other life forms.

on Apr 30, 2011

I don't want any software in the brakes, thanks.
I'd keep them purely mechanical.
You missed the god particle it's in the software.

on May 03, 2011

"Daddy can I be president?"
"Yes son you can be president."
"Oh goodie goodie I get to be president."
Lets give credit where credit is due.

on May 05, 2011

Intellectually honest and unbiased.
Good luck finding it.


on May 05, 2011

I found all the proof I need.

on May 06, 2011

Ever read a news story when you knew the facts first hand?
That is how accurate the stories are every time.

on May 06, 2011

You are smart , you have patients and you want someone off your property.
When the oil runs out they'll leave.

on May 12, 2011

Lindsay, just do what you have to do to get out of the system and things will be better.
You're young and strong you can do it.
That goes for anyone else stuck in the system.

on May 16, 2011

I am officially announcing that I will not run for president
in the 2012 election.
After crunching the numbers I realize that it is completely
impossible for me to win the election.

on May 19, 2011

If it happens on your watch you are responsible.

on May 19, 2011

If married women wanted to have sex every ten minutes,
I wonder what they would be doing?

on May 26, 2011

Would you like to buy some Chiclets or
I could take a picture of you posing in front of
my donkey?
Perhaps you would like a $15 dollar Rolex?
I will sell this silver necklace for $200.
Sold to the man with the black hat for $20.
I hope you enjoy your stay.

on Jun 01, 2011

Come along Sherman I am setting the WABAC machine to the year
Here in 2017 it would appear that the U.S. economy is growing
nicely and the annual deficit is relatively small.
Now we will travel to the year 2018 and see what we find.
It looks like the stock market had a really bad day in 2018.

on Jun 01, 2011

Its not a perfect world but its your world so do your best to protect it.

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