I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Mar 20, 2011

Just remember what ever you load on that hard drive
will have to be reloaded when that hard drive fails.
It's all in the delay.

on Mar 22, 2011

You have freedom of speech.
If you say the wrong thing you
will be fired from your job.
Do you really have freedom of speech?
If you decide you don't have freedom of speech,
then it would appear that you were lied to when you were young.

on Mar 28, 2011

For deminstration only.
I spelled that wrong on purpose.

on Mar 28, 2011

"Chief Inspector Dreyfus: When I first heard the name Clouseau, he was a little nothing.

on Mar 29, 2011

I don't want to know where and when the shoe will hit the floor,
although that is useful information.
I want to know why the shoe hits the floor.

on Mar 31, 2011

What gives matter mass?

Here is my explanation.

Weight is an illusion created by our mind.
Things don't really have any weight.
With out our senses the universe doesn't exist.
Everything is a wave.
Our mind is a receiver that interprets the waves
and drawls a picture that is our reality.
Everything is the interaction of waves.

Now we just have to figure out what these
waves are and what they exist in.

on Mar 31, 2011

Lets say you have a nuclear reactor that is melting down.
If you set off a nuke at ground level at the reactor,
would the fuel dissipate and stop reacting?
If so would this be worse than a melt down?

on Apr 02, 2011

I would like to compare owning a business to
being President of the U.S.
If you own the business
people who work for you have to do what you tell them to do.
If you are the President of the U.S. it isn't
quite that cut and dry.
This makes being President a greater challenge.

on Apr 03, 2011

My best porno star story:
One night at a night club I found my self dancing
with 2 girls.
I asked them if they wanted to go back to my place and party.
They said yes, so they followed me to my place.
When we got there we cracked some beers and talked a little while.
Then they asked me if I had any coke or meth?
I said no and they left.
This has been the violent atomic bomb of reality.

on Apr 03, 2011

"Just another police officer in a small village far from Paris. He was the village idiot."

on Apr 03, 2011

Just change your name to Van Halen.

on Apr 21, 2011

High Plains Drifter

on Apr 22, 2011

"It is better to love than to be right"  (she means than to get the last word in) -- Mother Teresa of Calcutta


on Apr 22, 2011

Where does the "second thought" that saves us from making a self-destructive mistake originate?  Is it from our better angels that we are saved from a destructive course of action  or merely the instinct for self preservation and not really worthy of being called "thought" at all?  Does it matter? 

on Apr 23, 2011

That "second thought" comes from when your temper cools down
and you can think clearly again.

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