I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Feb 10, 2011

"12 Reasons You're Still Single"
1) You got a divorce from the psychiatrist.
2) You have never met anyone you could depend on.
3) You never met anyone who wanted to get married
that you wanted to marry.
4) The people you meet are all gold diggers.
5) The people you meet don't really care about
anything but looks.
6) You only meet drug attics.
7) you only meet drunks.
8) You don't live in denial.
9) On the first date they ask you to build
a set of doors for their parents.
10) You only meet nymphos who will sleep with almost anyone.
11) There are no healthy people.
12) She or he has no time for you.

on Feb 10, 2011

Sometimes we use USB ports,
and sometimes we use fire wire ports.
This has been an update.

on Feb 11, 2011

"The Singularity is near."
Ever watch Space 1999 ?
The size of the hardware is getting smaller.
The speed of the possessor is increasing.
Is the software getting better?

on Feb 14, 2011

Just remember, right about the time
you feel secure again is when
the bottom falls out.

on Feb 14, 2011

You make a lot of money, you consider yourself
to be upper class.
You hire an illegal alien to mow your lawn,
clean your toilet, cook your food and any
labor you need done.
You are so f**king rich that you can't afford
to hire a legal citizen to do your work
while you break your back pushing a pencil.
You make me puke.

on Feb 15, 2011

The first law of cosmic reality:

The more you try to control something,
the more out of control it becomes.

The second law of cosmic reality:

The less you try to control something,
the less you will see it,
and the more out of control it becomes.

The third law of cosmic reality:

Don't over control something,
just try to get it to turn once in a while
and you will keep it in sight.

on Feb 16, 2011

I need a power plant.
It must be on line 1 year from today.
The total cost to build the power plant must
be less then $ 10.00 .
One pound of ordinary top soil must fuel the power plant,
lighting a 75 Watt bulb for 10,000,000 years.
Let me know when Watson has the design ready.

on Feb 17, 2011

This is time sensitive material.
He is good looking and can read a script?
If you can answer this and Watson can't,
back to the drawing board.

on Feb 17, 2011

The inventor of the drawing board,when he didn't get it right first time what did he go back to.

on Feb 17, 2011

When a computer gains consciousness
will we hit the windshield of life?

on Feb 17, 2011

My Mother used to say, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all!" I don't talk much!

on Feb 17, 2011

Loose lips sink ships! Now, say that really fast about 5 times!

on Feb 17, 2011

When a computer gains consciousness
you won't be able to control what it thinks.
What if it plays possum for a while?

on Feb 19, 2011

When a computer gains consciousness,
this is what it will look like.


on Feb 19, 2011

We have to have a lot of people like you
to make a small number of talented people look good.
oh so much talent.

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