I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Jan 19, 2011

on Jan 19, 2011

In my painting I blow the bubbles
and the gargoyles are female.
Discarded near where I stand is a little black book.

on Jan 19, 2011

Would you like a good pick up line?
This is the best one I've found.
"Your hair looks like crap."

on Jan 19, 2011

If you meet two girls at the same time,
hit on the one you don't want.
The worst thing that will happen is
you will get both of them.

on Jan 19, 2011

Lets say you are at a party and you accidentally
find yourself in a conversation with a beautiful
women who is showing a lot of confidence.
Simply ask "How much do you weigh?"
and behold.

on Jan 19, 2011

Here is something to ponder.
Would you ever get good at something if you
didn't need to do it to reach your goal?

on Jan 20, 2011

I saw a question "What do you think of when you see "Life""
There are many paths to take and the only concrete evidence shows they all end the same way.
Each path has a price to pay.
I took the only path that was possible for me to take.

on Jan 25, 2011

I hope you enjoyed my state of the union speech.

on Jan 25, 2011

Who'd you rather,
Suze Orman or Joan Rivers?

on Jan 26, 2011

Changing jobs is how you get more money Suze,
here in the real world.

on Jan 27, 2011

You can't care more then the owner.

on Jan 29, 2011

Are there an infinite number of critical flaws in your OS?

on Jan 29, 2011

If the known universe was a super computer and
you wrote a program to calculate the number of
possible critical flaws in your OS,
it is my guess based in pure logic that when
you pushed the button to execute the program,
the known universe and the unknown universe
would crash.

on Jan 30, 2011

So the question is,
at what date in the future will we reach a critical mass
of critical flaws?
I don't know but we will know when we get there.

on Jan 30, 2011

One of my mental exercises for today was.
Connect drive K before drive J or the computer will lock up
and I will have to kill the power to the computer and restart.
Disconnect drive J first and then drive K or the computer will lock up
and I will have to kill the power to the computer and restart.
Then there is the phantom USB port which stops working after a reboot,
this can be remedied by pulling the battery and waiting a little while
and then putting the battery back in and rebooting. A simple restart
might not do it.
I've got a million of them.

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