Diary of a madman: A choreography:Today I did a test run of my procedure to add a music cd to my computer.Any program updates will be ignored or the system could andwould fail.Each step must be done in exact order and all settings must be perfector the system will fail.I place the cd in the tray and rip to the folder for the albumwhile automatically including all data about each file.This step alone requires the right program and settings.Next I update 3 media libraries in exact order each feedingon the one that came before, again all settings must be perfect.All three of these libraries must be updated for the entire systemto function correctly.Now the mp3 player must be connected and updated using a specificprogram, all setting must be perfect.Next external drive 1 will be connected and updated, all setting must be perfect.Now external drive 2 will be connected and will be synced with external drive 1,all setting must be perfect.Day 2.Now the laptop will be updated.This includes connecting to the network and external drive 2,a new program must be installed and tested.All setting must be perfect.Success with the entire procedure with only 2 crashes, 6 restartsand one phantom USB port.
Turn on stereo, place cd in tray, press play,and music comes out of the speakers.Total time: 17 seconds.I like a mental exercise,I like to stay busy,I like working with the computer.
Albert Einstein,Smoked Like A Chimney.http://www.scienceagogo.com/news/19980907140525data_trunc_sys.shtml
It is a really fast browser butit slowed down the computer,which negates the speed of the browser.
What does polished aluminum look like?
Would you like to test your browser?Just load the TMZ home page,if it doesn't crash you are past the first hurdle.Make a sandwich while the page loads.After it loads scroll up and down the pagelike you were going to read it today and not next week.Now try it when they are running a specialbackground.
I read this today on the net."We're On To You: We Don't Know What Your Angle Is Yet, But Rest Assured, We're Going To Find Out"I'm rubber you're glue bounces off me and sticks to you.The information about this page has been sent.[Expl]
Did you figure the angle out yet?Let me help you it is 180.
Cats are like potato chips... You can't have just one.
All that shines isn't silver... and all that glitters... isn't gold.
Trust no one. To trust no one... is to trust everyone equally.
As long as you love the one you lost... you never lose the one you love.
I read this today on the net."We're On To You: We Don't Know What Your Angle Is Yet, But Rest Assured, We're Going To Find Out"Did you figure the angle out yet?Let me help you it is 180.The information about this page has been sent.[Expl]
Crime doesn't pay.Hard work pays off.
I am sitting in my ship the USS Syphonx flyingthough the universe talking into my mini communicatormade out of paper and glue, which has a built inphaser, that is over 37 years old.They don't make them like that any more.Captains log:I seem to be flying through some kind of depressionin space which has temporarily trapped my ship.I will send this message.They can brain wash you all they want,but once you reach the age of 40 youknow the truth.Captain out.