I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Jan 13, 2011

Here is a simple test to check your state of mind.

Select the statement that best describes you A or B,
then read the results of your test below.

A: I am a sane person.
B: I am insane.
If you selected A you are insane.
If you selected B you know you're insane.
Now retake the test.

on Jan 13, 2011

What we have learned so far.
The world is a wonderful place full of
pink stuffed animals and rainbows.
Every person you meet is a friend who
loves you and cares about you.
Life is a gift to share with everyone.
Good luck quitting smoking.

on Jan 14, 2011

What have you learned Dorothy?
"I learned that you shouldn't waste
very much time and energy thinking about
things that you have no control over.
You can't change the world it has a mind
of it's own.300,000,000 people have better
things to do than watch TV, you should join
See you next time,
same bat time same bat channel.

on Jan 14, 2011

What do you learn if you stop watching TV for a month?
You find out who got plastic surgery since the last time you watched.

To achieve Zen be conscious with out thinking,
this is easy for some.
One way to do it is to ski down a mountain.
Try to do it while taking a walk.

on Jan 15, 2011

What do you learn if you stop watching TV for a month?

Peace to be sure.....Music teaches you all you need to know....

on Jan 15, 2011

The Question:
Is there an app for randomly selecting students in a class?

This is the fastest, easiest, least time wasting, foolproof way to do it.

Put each students name on a small separate piece of paper
and put them in a hat and mix them up.
Now with out looking pull one piece of paper out of the hat.
This paper is the first student randomly selected.
Just repeat pulling one paper out of the hat at a time
to select more students.

on Jan 16, 2011

Welcome to West World,
We hope you enjoy your stay.
Nothing can go wrong
go wrong
go wrong
go wrong
go wrong
go wrong
go wrong
go wrong
go wrong
go wrong
go wrong
go wrong
go wrong

on Jan 16, 2011

California should legalize prostitution.

This has been a joke.

on Jan 16, 2011

If you could read peoples minds
would it be easy to find a mate or impossible?

on Jan 16, 2011

on Jan 17, 2011

After 9 years I just had my biggest catastrophe
with my 9 year old computer,
it was almost nonfunctional.
Luckily I removed the anti virus program
and the computer is running as perfect
as it ever did.You can guess what the other
biggest problems have been,

on Jan 17, 2011

By the way I can read minds.

on Jan 17, 2011

This sums it all up in a nut shell.

on Jan 18, 2011

Since you can't say anything without having to
explain it later,
maybe you should just explain it and stop saying things.

on Jan 18, 2011

The difference between men and women is,
men can be happy with the same penis
their whole life.

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