I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Nov 17, 2010

What I see coming.
In the not to distant future a large number
of people are going to lose their ass on gold.
That's ok don't listen to me no one ever does.

on Nov 17, 2010

Don't do away with plastic bags,
recycle your plastic bags.

on Nov 17, 2010

Man who eat many prunes get good run for money.


War doesn't determine who is right, war determines who is left.


It take many nails to build crib but one screw to fill it.


Man who drive like hell, is bound to get there.


Everyone has a photographic memory, some people just don't have film!

on Nov 17, 2010

------_______________ I
------_____________ Know
------___________ That
------_________ you
------_______ Know
------_____ that
------___ I
------_ know
----_ that
--_ someone
_-_ will
_-_ read
_-_ this.

on Nov 18, 2010

Fixing social security and other things.

1) When you were running a surplus you should have placed
it in accounts for future obligations.

2) You should always run a surplus and place the surplus
in accounts each marked for a particular future obligation
and only use the money in each marked account for the
particular future obligation it has been marked to be
used for.

3) Learn discipline.

4) To run a surplus you must cut your expenses and
budget your money.

on Nov 18, 2010

When we were running a surplus you wanted to spend
it on new programs that we can't afford,
instead of spending it on old programs that we can't afford.
Who are you?

on Nov 19, 2010

I watched "The Daily Show" for 11-18-10,
could anything but the truth be that funny?

on Nov 19, 2010

Why should you sleep on it or even take days
to make a decision?
Because the mind solves problems subconsciously.

on Nov 20, 2010

Are you a critic of cable news?
Add up all the people who don't watch it at all,
add up the people who only watch 1 hour a day,
and put your mind at ease.
If that doesn't work for you, just don't watch it for a month.

on Nov 21, 2010

Then King Kong swam back to his island
and lived happily ever after.

on Nov 21, 2010

After returning to his island King Kong
met up with his old friend Godzilla.
They roasted some hot dogs and cracked some beers.

on Nov 22, 2010

Lets watch our friends King Kong and Godzilla
as they take a walk on the part of the island
that burned down while they were roasting some hot dogs.
We will call this part of the island "The Forbidden Zone"
because we need to stay off it so the plants can grow back.
Our friends King Kong and Godzilla can do what ever
they want because they can't read the sign.

on Nov 22, 2010

In 1950 did a middle class married couple
both have to work to pay the rent?

on Nov 23, 2010

I thought 1999 was a great year.

on Nov 24, 2010

Motor Trend awarded the Vega GT "Economy Car of the Year" for 1973.

Car and Driver magazine Reader's Choice Polls voted the Vega "Best Economy Sedan" in 1971, 1972 and 1973.

Motor Trend included the Vega as one of the "Ten Best Cars of 1971"

Motor Trend selected the Vega Car of the Year for 1971.
I owned one, If you did you know the truth.

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