I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
Comments (Page 180)
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on Jun 05, 2010

Temperature at my town now.
MSN 64
Weather channel 78
My thermometer in the shade out side the window 80.

on Jun 10, 2010

Ride the motorcycle,
Stay calm,
Don't be antagonistic,
Be positive,
And you can avoid the wreckage.

on Jun 13, 2010

Hi BC,
If you are constantly breathing and
take a crap once a day,
does that count?

on Jun 19, 2010

I'm rubber you're glue
bounces off me and sticks to you.

on Jun 30, 2010

Anyway you slice it,
it comes up peanuts.

on Jul 01, 2010

to find

on Jul 04, 2010

"I love it when a plan comes together."

on Jul 06, 2010

The same thing all most never happens the same way twice.

on Jul 07, 2010

When messages are found in photos,
it is usually messages to the photographers.

on Aug 10, 2010

Sometimes lightning strikes twice.

on Aug 21, 2010

After one year of use I am holding my laptop together with
bubblegum and spit, it is hanging by a thread.

on Aug 31, 2010

"Deals so huge I can see them from space!"

on Oct 08, 2010

Don't waste your vote in November,
vote for Mickey Mouse.

on Oct 10, 2010

Right now
I live in California,
I vote by mail
and I hate to waste a stamp.

on Oct 21, 2010

If it was obvious that the KKK
was having a meeting on your airplane,
would you be nervous?

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