I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Oct 30, 2010

"Floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee."

on Nov 02, 2010

Subject: Night of 2008 Presidential election U.S.
The winner of the election made a speech,
the following is the translation.
"From this moment forward your as* is mine."

on Nov 03, 2010

A Method or tendency in philosophy which
determines the meaning and truth of all concepts
by their practical consequences. - pragmatist

on Nov 05, 2010

I was born with a horrible affliction,
I can see though people like a very thin piece of tissue paper.
I watched election coverage Tuesday night from 4pm until about 2am.
I channel surfed around here and there and I could tell which people
were in a good mood.
For the record I was in a good mood.

on Nov 06, 2010

The Ring Nebula looks a little like a donut.
How long will it take for the Ring Nebula to close?

on Nov 09, 2010

Eight years of decisions and here we are.

on Nov 10, 2010

Do we have enough puppets selling gold and late night shows,

on Nov 11, 2010

Take the guilt trip and shove it.
Does that sound soft to you?
Ya it's been a #%&*# cake walk.

on Nov 11, 2010

It's not ginger root,
it's adrenalin.

on Nov 12, 2010

Al Gore
Joe Miller

on Nov 12, 2010

Hi Mr. Cavett,
Who is running our country?
People who went to college.

When asking for advice maybe we should
ask people who have successfully solved problems,
not people who create them.

on Nov 13, 2010

Hi Penn Jillette,
The primates said to give you a message.
"Happy Birthday"


on Nov 13, 2010

The term is "Class Warfare".
At any given moment it is easy
to tell who is winning.

on Nov 16, 2010

I hear that no one saw the economy going off a cliff, coming.
When your house doubles in value in five years everybody knows it's bogus.
The reason nobody saw it coming is because everybody saw it coming
and everybody was making money.

on Nov 16, 2010

I use to think Tina Fey was beautiful.

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