I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
Comments (Page 179)
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on May 01, 2010

Conventional forms of energy are needed to keep the world going
until we patiently perfect and make affordable new forms of cleaner energy.

on May 02, 2010

What could happen if science discovers many phenomena of nature
that up till now have yet to be detected?

on May 04, 2010

Lets review.
Objects don't fall,
they simply follow the curvature of the time space continuum.
Everything is moving.
Two objects moving at the same speed and direction will follow the curvature of the time space continuum
until they collide with something. If the objects are traveling the same speed and direction and are the same
distance from the object they are going to collide with they will both collide with it at the same time.
Now if someone could just explain why the time space continuum is curved?

on May 04, 2010

It is an inherent property.


on May 04, 2010

"You can call me Ray, or
you can call me Jay, but
you doesn't have to call me Johnson."

on May 08, 2010

When I was in high school
"It is a law of nature" wasn't good enough for me,
why is it good enough for you?

on May 12, 2010

You have a heart for people who didn't wait their turn
and came into the country illegally to work.
Do you care about the people who are losing their careers
because of illegal immigrants?
Are the people who are losing their careers human?

on May 13, 2010

Yesterday I heard someone explain what the enemy is.
They were wrong.
In most cases the enemy is stupidity,
and can be found when we look in the mirror.

on May 14, 2010

Some people think fast,
some people think slow,
slow is more thorough.


on May 21, 2010

I have heard it said that "men are to blame for all the problems
in the world", but all men do is try to please women.

on May 21, 2010

After paying thousands for health insurance in the last ten years,
and only going to the hospital twice in that ten years,
each of the bills was less then 300 bucks.
The second claim was denied because it was not considered an emergency.
At 2 AM nothing is open but the emergency room and I thought it was an emergency.
Thanks Obama care.
I just got the denial letter today.

on May 25, 2010

I've Learned that
The next security update just delivers better ads.
If the programs aren't that great the operating system isn't that great.
If the driver crashes you have to restart the computer.
If you close update without updating it still makes a restore point.
If the antispyware doesn't catch any thing in a year you don't need it.
You can work around anything.
I still like it.

on May 25, 2010

Why bother to sell
it's just going to go up again.

on May 28, 2010

They give you some good news until you bite,
then they give you some bad news until you bite,
think about it.

on May 31, 2010

Temperature at my town.
MSN 64
Yahoo 64
Weather channel 68
My thermometer out side the window 75
Which one do the scientists use?

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