~You don't get something for nothing.What goes around comes around.~
~Who's talking down the economy now?~
~Today I signed legislation making poverty illegal forever,money will start falling from the sky in five minutes.~
~Famous quotes of recent history:
"Mission Accomplished" May. 2, 2003"bring 'em on" May 19, 2006"Go for it" Mar 25, 2010~
~No brain, no pain.~
~Hopefully there will be good news in November.~
~Rachel Maddow is running the country.~
~There is always a light at the end of the tunnel.~
~Ever had a neighbor who complains when you wake them upat 9 am on Saturday morning but they wake you upat 1 to 2 am every night when they come home from workbecause they slam doors and talk loud?~
~Who has a better chance of shutting offthe Volcano in Iceland,Al Gore or me?~
~I will now describe the Universe in the simplestterms possible.Catch 22.~
~If you think you are stupidyou might be smarter then you think.~
~If an alien is watching "I Love Lucy" nowor 23,000 years from now, I wonder whattheir reply would be?~
~Alien possibilities.1) If they travel slower then light by the timethey get here we won't be here anymore.2) They have technology that enables them to travel faster then lightbut they won't bother coming here and don't need our resources.3) They are already here and their technology enables them to be undetectable.~
~"Badges? We ain't got no badges! We don't need no badges. I don't have to show you any stinkin' badges!"~