I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
Comments (Page 177)
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on Feb 04, 2010

Rook from 8E4 to 1E4

on Feb 09, 2010

A person qualified to be president
besides the current president
is Newt Gingrich.

on Feb 10, 2010

Climate change is weather.
Does weather change?

on Feb 13, 2010

Ever notice that the crowd moves from one night club
to another, and each club only stays hot for so long?

on Feb 15, 2010

You are on an air plane sitting in an isle seat.
The person next to you in the window seat is
5'10" and 300 pounds,
what happens when the person next to you gets up
to go to the bathroom?

on Feb 17, 2010

I bought my first Toyota in 2002,
best car I've ever owned.

on Feb 18, 2010

Your fellow man and society might have their problems, but
with out them you would be chasing ground squirrels for dinner
and bathing in a mud puddle.

on Feb 24, 2010

Mr. Olbermann,
If the only hospital was on the moon,
could we afford health care for everyone?

on Feb 26, 2010

Is it dark at night because
the universe had a beginning or
because stars don't last forever?

on Feb 28, 2010

A free market where competition exists.
Tort reform.
A hospital called HealthMart and insurance called HealthMart Choice.

on Mar 04, 2010

Between the start of the last presidential election campaign
and the end of the campaign, circumstances changed,
a large number of people are ignoring this change of circumstances.

on Mar 11, 2010

Do Speakers of the House get replaced on a regular basis?

on Mar 18, 2010


on Mar 19, 2010

How could a good piece of legislation be so hard to pass?

on Mar 20, 2010

if I have to cancel my health insurance because I can't afford it,
the government is going to fine me.
That doesn't sound like a fix that sounds like a screw.
My official vote is NO!!!

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