I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
Comments (Page 226)
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on May 16, 2013

Why weren't all the perpetrators of (To big to fail gate) prosecuted?
Only 20% of the population would have been left to run the jail.
20% is a generous estimate.

on May 17, 2013

I don't see this headline on the DRUDGE REPORT.
"Report: Republicans Altered Benghazi Emails"

on May 21, 2013

According to information found on the Internet which may be reliable.
Every second, the Sun produces the same amount of energy as about 62.5 trillion Hiroshima bombs.
Who pays the bill?

on May 23, 2013

How many groups that the IRS was unfair to,
hire undocumented workers and pay them under the table,
thus avoiding taxes?

on May 23, 2013

James Rosen,
Do you have a lawn and who mows it?
How about your parents?

on May 24, 2013

If you rely on forwarded email for accurate information gathering,
(Rub your two brain cells together and try to finish the sentence above)

on May 28, 2013

1) When must a radio talk host dump the caller?
When the caller gets anywhere near the truth.

2) If you have never held public office,
what do you really know about getting things done in government?

3)Your first mistake is the mistake,
your second mistake is not admitting you made a mistake.

on May 28, 2013

Public relations:
Is the statement naive or
is believing the statement naive?

on May 29, 2013

297,287,000 aren't tuned in to the show.

on May 30, 2013

If we find that there is no life on Mars,
it would be a nice place to live.

on May 31, 2013

Punishing good behavior is a wormhole to the 19th century and cell phones.

on Jun 01, 2013

The simple Morris survival guide:
When you hear him simply hit mute for one minute.

on Jun 01, 2013

You may be dreaming,
pinch yourself and find out.

on Jun 17, 2013

The grim reaper didn't know where you were,
but as soon as they announce you are the world's oldest person
he'll find you.

on Jun 21, 2013

How does the world work?

A -Magic

B -Scientific mathematical precision 

C -Magic on odd numbered days, scientific mathematical precision on even numbered days.

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