What's next month,the moon falls out of orbit?
A rogue planet could enter our solar systemstriking the earth and sending it into the sun.We can be prepared for this type of disasterif we all wear inflatable rubber suits equip with fire extinguishers.
President Obama is the smartest person in our countryat this time, I am sure he will make the right decision.
[The special theory of gravity]Misery = the mass of the object multiplied by thevelocity of the object multiplied by the amount oftime the object experiences misery.Gravity = Misery multiplied by the (speed of light to the power of googol).Misery generates gravity but do to spooky action at a distance the gravitygenerated shows up some where else.Happiness generates anti-gravity in the same way.I estimate that all life forms experience 15 minutes of happinessevery 24 hours.This explains why we have enough gravityto overcome anti-gravity.If happiness ever becomes greater than misery the entire universewould fall apart into a cloud of dust expanding to infinityand we would have infinite happiness.
In today's changing financial environment you need a new typeof plan to meet your retirement needs.I recommend getting an early start saving for your retirement.Start saving 200 years before your birth and you will saveenough by the time you are fifty to pay for someone else'shookers and blow.
For now lets just assume that gravityis a law of nature.What happens when we assume?
As far as the new lineup goes,I would rather look at Maddow.
Don't forget the US National Debt doubledbetween 2000 and 2008.
There’s no need to qualify everything you do. Own your preferences and decisions.
Did you get the new Cabbage Patch phone?
GOP hangs self with old rope.
I hear people are eating on $6 bucks a dayand getting rich.
Question for republicans:Wouldn't giving to charity be a sinand having it taxed from you be saintly?
An observation:Your article will get hits if it has the words "Miley Cyrus" in it.
Need a strategy? Try winning an election.