I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
Comments (Page 225)
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on Apr 25, 2013

Ever notice that library has the word lie in it?
That's where they keep em.

on Apr 26, 2013

After someone figures out a formula that explains
how the universe came to exist,
I guess humans will create their own universe.

on Apr 28, 2013

Jeb Romney.

on Apr 29, 2013

Check out Reply #2745




on Apr 30, 2013

"262 Days average to hear back"
would make a great recruitment slogan,
you could put it on a poster and everything.

on May 06, 2013

" ".  --Marcel Marceau

on May 09, 2013

If you explain your strategy in an interview
you no longer have a strategy.

on May 10, 2013

You could do something different,
instead of trying to beat the opposition
with a hallucinated scandal you could
try using an intelligent platform that
succeeds in communicating with the "low information voter".

on May 10, 2013

Instead of trying to destroy the opposition
with a fantasized scandal you could
try using a brilliant platform that
succeeds in connecting with the "low information voter".

on May 11, 2013

Wouldn't it be more efficient and a better use of resources if
we stopped pursuing political scandals that are going nowhere
and focused on learning how to communicate effectively
with the voters and convince them that our ideas are better.

on May 12, 2013

Give credit where credit is due.
Oh and check out the date on the article,
but hurry it might get fixed soon.

on May 14, 2013

default credit swaps
mortgage backed securities

on May 15, 2013

Iran-Contra gate
Blue dress gate
Weapons of mass destruction gate (brushed under the carpet)
To big to fail gate (brushed under the carpet)
Present day

on May 16, 2013

The 14 minute video clips were initially uploaded to YouTube in July 2012

on May 16, 2013

The 14 minute video clips were initially uploaded to YouTube in July 2012

Timeline: Protests over anti-Islam video


From Wikipedia


Intelligence reports are never wrong?
Weapons of mass destruction were in Iraq?




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