I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Dec 10, 2011

On your video,
if there is nothing in the Embed box you can't share it
even if there is something in the share box.
Look in the embed box.
This has been today's psychic reading.

on Dec 13, 2011

If you are on TV you make to much money.
I canceled my TV cable, there is no TV watching at my house,
I am not going to pay your ridiculous salary any more.

on Dec 14, 2011

The Mayan Calendar and the Republican party have something in common,
what is it?

on Dec 15, 2011

Take the super slab to slab city and create the United Slabs of America.

on Dec 16, 2011

You have heard of the "First law of thermodynamics"
I have a law for you.
The "First law of misery and happiness"
It states that,
Misery will be rewarded and extended.
Happiness will be punished and curtailed.

on Dec 18, 2011

Send VIAGRA to Washington.

on Dec 19, 2011

Unemployment is down to 5% ?

on Dec 19, 2011

"The argument goes like this:
1) There must be an absolute speed in any universe since speed is a measure of distance moved
over time. Increasing your speed means you reduce your travel time between a distance A to B.
At least theoretically you should be able to increase your speed up to the point where that travel
time declines to zero – and whatever speed you are at when that happens will represent
the universe’s absolute speed."

What if the distance from A to B is infinite?

on Dec 19, 2011

Step 2)
There is no speed that would decrease the travel time between A to B ,
to zero no matter how small the distance between A to B.

on Dec 19, 2011

You own a hotel with an infinite number of rooms and an infinite number of guests.
You lost a lawsuit and the court ordered you to pay $500 divided evenly between
all of your guests at the hotel.
Each guest will receive an amount more then zero and each guest will receive the same amount.
If you don't pay out the $500 you will have to close your hotel.
How much money does each guest receive?

on Dec 20, 2011

Because the hotel owner can not pay to settle the lawsuit
which was a dispute over faulty pluming in the hotel,
the owner has decided to close the hotel for five years
in order to fix the faulty pluming.
An infinite number of staff will be Laid Off and start collecting
unemployment compensation.
An infinite number of plumbers will be hired to fix the plumbing.
The infinite number of guests will move to the infinite RV park across the street
where they will live rent free for five years because it is on public property.
An infinite amount of hotel room tax will be lost by the government,
the government will also loose the infinite income tax that was coming from the staff.
The government will also loose an infinite amount of income tax from the plumbers
because they will be working under the table.
The plumbers are illegal aliens from Alpha Centauri.

on Dec 20, 2011

"The Christmas Boehner"

We all know how it's really pronounced.

on Dec 20, 2011

In the fantasy world where I was elected president.
I would,
Give people in states with unemployment over 5% 99 weeks,
a precedent has been set.
Put in the Keystone pipeline.
Lose the bush tax cut for earners over $275,000 per year.
Raise the capitol gains tax to 30%.
[Tax imports from low standard of living countries. Abolish free trade,
restart American factories to produce these goods.When the economy improves
I might relax some import taxes.](If you are a rich person that imports, tough shit.)
Abolish medical insurance completely, (the price would come down.)No more $60 dollar band aids.
I would figure a new way to help low income people afford medical needs.
I would crack down on under the table work and illegal immigration.
End the drug war it is a waste of time and money.
I would no longer put dents in the middle of the road or plastic epoxied dots
they are a waste of money.
I would temporarily lower gas taxes.
I would lower the price of tobacco products, what ever it takes.
Clean up the corruption in government, it is probably the biggest drain.
When I come up with more I will let you know.

on Dec 21, 2011

Why get use to a tax cut if you can't keep it?

Fifty years ago we were smart,
now we are just stupid all day long.

I would also get rid of cameras at intersections,
I want to know if I got a ticket not guess.
Mow the grass once every 2 weeks, don't cut it so short when you do mow
and water it more, it would actually be healthier.

on Dec 22, 2011

There is a liberal reality
there is a conservative reality
the correct answer can only exist
out side of these two realities.
And that is the harsh reality.

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