I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Oct 14, 2011

If you wanted to put a message some where that would last almost
forever where might you put it?
On the moon.
If you look at the rising full moon with the naked eye
you will see a message someone put on the moon.
This could not be an accident.

on Oct 16, 2011


The little darlings.
Eighth grade literature class.
The most intelligent kid in the class wore a shirt
that said "Flunk Now Beat The Rush",threw eggs at the chalk board,
set the trash can on fire on a regular basis and never got caught.
The rest of the class chewed on newspaper and threw spit wads at everything.
The teacher wore bubblegum in her hair.
Why don't we just move to the jungle and throw crap at each other?

on Oct 18, 2011

Lets look at it right side up.

on Oct 24, 2011

A friend once told me,
"People who talk bad about you behind your back
are just jealous".

on Oct 27, 2011

I just met two young Mormons on my walk,
and stopped to talk with them when they asked me to.
They said they were on a two year mission.
I talked to them.
They were ass holes.
I wish I hadn't stopped.

on Oct 28, 2011

There are some very successful people I
hear on the radio who complain for their
whole show every day.
I guess success isn't all that great.

on Nov 03, 2011

She married for love.
The love of cash.
Call it intuition.
The following are false statements.
She didn't care about the money.
I am happier in prison.

on Nov 05, 2011

Conway and anger management

on Nov 06, 2011

They were ass holes.

I walk away from pretty much every religious discussion feeling that way.... because my thoughts/beliefs were unimportant/irrelevant to them.

So my words to live by... never open your door to religious canvassers, they exasperate your patience and make you feel like you wanna strangle the next one who offends/insults your intelligence. 

And I thought religion was supposed to engender peace and harmony within one???

on Nov 07, 2011

You spent the last 12 years building an economy
on loan commissions and sales commissions,
and here we are.

on Nov 08, 2011

To run a successful business it is a good idea
to have business experience.
To run the federal government it would
be good to have the necessary experience.

on Nov 10, 2011

Here is the list of the top three republican candidates for
president assuming we live in a logical world that makes sense.

Newton Leroy Gingrich

on Nov 11, 2011

People don't like it when someone tries to make them feel stupid.
What is even worse is when the person trying to make you
feel stupid is actually the dumbest person in the room.

on Nov 12, 2011
on Nov 17, 2011

You can't be a leader if you aren't a reader.

Happiness is overrated, poverty isn't.

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