I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Jan 10, 2012

When I can get in a vehicle leave earth and fly into
deep space consuming no fuel and using no power
you will have it figured out.
If the universe can come from nothing,
I can get something for nothing.
I'm rooting for you.

on Jan 10, 2012

Right now I get all the gravity I need for free
which is why I like hydroelectric power.

on Jan 10, 2012

Here are the plans for the vehicle.
Using the free gravity and a hydroelectric facility
we will store free power in batteries.
We will use this power to shoot a vehicle into
deep space using a rail cannon.
The vehicle will have a shock absorber so the
occupants can survive the acceleration.
Once in deep space the vehicle will use
its own propulsion system to navigate.

on Jan 11, 2012

A very large cloud of hydrogen is orbiting our galaxy,
If you traveled out to this cloud in a vehicle
and gathered the hydrogen up and put it in
a small container,
would you be performing work?

on Jan 11, 2012

A universe from nothing.
Is nothing possible?

on Jan 12, 2012

Evidence of the big bang.
If we scan the sky in all directions
and locate the object that is farther from us
then any thing else that we can see to date, and look in that direction
we should see objects that are very dim,
objects very bright and nothing in the medium range.
Do we have that evidence?
If not then ether we can't see very far
or there was no big bang.
I just throw stuff out there.

on Jan 12, 2012

I just throw stuff out there.

Thing with that is, gravity dictates it will eventually come back to you... unless you have an almighty powerful throwing arm

on Jan 13, 2012

We went looking for weapons of mass destruction
and missed the financial instruments of destruction.
I guess everybody is into water sports now.

on Jan 15, 2012

When somebody says light travels millions of miles per second
that's when I turn off the radio and go to bed.

on Jan 15, 2012

The shrink is addicted to shrinking.

on Jan 17, 2012

Nah, it's just really cold outside.

on Jan 26, 2012

Something I never understood,
why do they make movies with sad endings and sad songs?
Do you like to wallow in misery?

on Jan 26, 2012

"Don't Poke The Bear"  

Not only will you live longer, but you wont loose your favorite stick.

on Jan 29, 2012

Today's observations:
1)Delayed gratification would be "growing younger".
2)They're neat to look at.

on Jan 30, 2012

If two different people do a search on the Internet
for the same thing and get two different results,
that is censorship.

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