I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Nov 18, 2011

Words I won't hear anymore: Say them if you like.
"Class warfare"
"Entitlements", it is a contract and everyone has payed the tax
and is paying all the taxes.

Phrase I am changing:
Old: "Documented to be almost always right."
New: "Documented to be almost always full of sh_ _."

on Nov 19, 2011


I notice that the occupy protesters do have a job. 

on Nov 20, 2011

They watch cars go around in a circle.

on Nov 21, 2011


With practice and some help they can learn how to turn the TV on. 

on Nov 22, 2011


Everyone has the same ability to empathize,
some are much better at faking it then others. 

on Nov 22, 2011

"A man will allow himself to remain locked inside of a room with a door that is unlocked and opens inwards -

as long as it does not occur to him to pull,

rather than push against it."

Ludwig Wittgenstein

on Nov 22, 2011

A fix for the social security system:
First, it will not be privatized.
The government will sell social security bonds
to grow the social security fund for future recipients.
The bond holders will be paid interest on their investment.
The government will invest all social security bond income
in a diversified portfolio of precious metals.This will enable
the government to pay the interest on the bonds and also grow the
social security fund.
People will continue to pay social security taxes as they do now.
If this is not legal change the law.

on Nov 27, 2011

How can you get me to check every democrat box on the
next voter ballot I fill out?
I'll let you psychically figure it out.
Now spue some more BS.

on Nov 28, 2011

Ginger White is telling the truth.
This has been today's psychic reading.

on Nov 29, 2011

Ridiculously Arrogant Dimwits inciting Obedience

on Nov 30, 2011

"One Percent Supporter Doubts That 'Anyone Great' Ever Came Out Of The 99 Percent"
99 Percent Supporter Doubts That 'Anyone Honest' Ever Came Out Of The 1 Percent

on Nov 30, 2011


There is a petition in California to repeal the Dream Act.
You are 20 years late and a trillion dollars short. 

on Dec 02, 2011

The question isn't "should we have done the bail outs?"
The question is "why did the situation get so bad that we had to do bail outs?"

The question isn't "what percent of all taxes collected come from the one percent?"
The question is "what percent of their income do the one percent pay in taxes?"

on Dec 05, 2011

The suggestion has been put forward to teach kids about work
by having them clean their schools.
Going to school is work and kids need to focus on school work.
If you really must teach them about work having them clean the school try this.
Hire them to sweep the floor and after one month lay them off.
Then offer to hire them back at half pay,
if they take the offer hire them back and after two months lay them off again.
This will teach them all they need to know about work.

on Dec 05, 2011

"Quid Pro Quo" and "Faugh a Ballagh" , not particularly humorous but I tend to abide by these words. 


Anyway .... 

"You're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!" Charlie Croker, The Italian Job. 

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