I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Aug 19, 2009


"Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are." 

on Aug 22, 2009

Today's positive note:
If the government enforces the laws they are passing today as well as
they enforced the immigration laws passed 20 years ago,
there won't be much change.

on Aug 24, 2009

Today's questions:

1) When you accelerate a particle in the laboratory near to the speed of light
you measure an increase in its mass. Does the particle measure an increase
in it's mass or an increase in your mass?

2) When you accelerate a particle in the laboratory are you accelerating the particle
or decelerating the particle and how do you know?

3) Is the inertial mass of an object of matter the same in deep space (far outside our solar system)
as the inertial mass of the same object of matter in our local neighborhood and how do you know?

on Aug 26, 2009

If the sun exploded 2 minutes ago your time, when
would you,
smell it
taste it
feel it
hear it
see it
notice a temperature change.

If nothing travels faster then light,
then we will invent it.

on Aug 28, 2009

Today's thoughts.
How's this?
The universe is a bubble of energy.
Energy equals dimension.
Without energy there is no dimension.
Light is a wave that travels through energy.
I have read that light has been slowed down in a crystal,
therefore it's speed isn't a constant.
Matter is an area of low density energy.
Galaxies are storms in the energy atmosphere of our universe.
We are all just waves in the energy.
The laws of nature.
How are they enforced?
An experiment:
A space vehicle is launched into space, gravity of nearby planets
is used to accelerate the ship to a speed higher then rocket propellant
exits the rocket.
A G meter in the ship is turned on and the rockets are fired in the opposite
direction of the ships heading.
If the G meter goes up is the ship accelerating?
If the mass of the ship increases does the mass of the fuel increase?
An unrelated question:
If the universe is expanding, are the atoms in your body expanding?

on Aug 30, 2009

Today's thoughts.
How's this?
Speed is distance divided by time.
Example: distance traveled 100 miles the trip took 1/2 an hour, 100 divided by .5 = 200 miles per hour is the speed.

Two men stand side by side and conduct an experiment to determine the speed of light.
A beam of light is sent out reflected off of a mirror and returned to the point of origin.
Both men agree on the time for the round trip the light beam took , 30 seconds.
The men don't agree on the distance the light beam traveled.
With out knowing the distance the light beam traveled it is impossible to determine the speed of the beam of light.
I submit to you that the speed of light is unknown.
The best you can do is come up with an approximation that works for your purpose.
The problem with the M M experiment.
If you stand in a train going 50 miles an hour with the windows closed you don't feel the wind.

on Aug 31, 2009

An experiment:
An electric motor that is also a gyroscope is built and placed in a cage
so if you turn the cage the gyroscope can keep it's original orientation.
The gyro would have to have good bearings and no gears or pulleys.
The gyro runs at a uniform rpm for at least a 6 hour period.
The gyro is placed in a house on a table at the equator of the earth.
After running for 6 hours does the gyro detect the rotation of the earth?
If anyone knows if this has been tried you could put a link here to the results.

on Aug 31, 2009

By the way your hard drive is a gyroscope.


on Aug 31, 2009

Large Laser Gyroscopes for Monitoring Earth Rotation

on Sep 01, 2009

A Gyroscope will detect the earths rotation.
If you built a big one you could generate electricity
while the world turns.

on Sep 03, 2009

Any measurement of the distance between two objects will have an unknown error + or -.
If the objects are moved further apart and the distance between them is re measured the unknown error + or - will increase.
If the objects are moved closer together and the distance between them is re measured the unknown error + or - will decrease.

on Sep 05, 2009

Are the laws of nature the same in an accelerating frame of reference as the laws
of nature in a frame of reference traveling with uniform velocity?
What does a pendulum clock do in a frame of reference traveling with uniform velocity?
Is gravity the same in a plane flying at 30,000 feet as gravity at sea level?
Sitting in the living room is an accelerating frame of reference.

on Sep 05, 2009

When I am looking for a time machine I use a freezer.
Could moving electronics slowly through a magnetic field
cause a 197 billionths of second hick up?
Will my TV work on Jupiter?

on Sep 06, 2009

Iben, as much as I love to read your words to live by, I have a question:

Are you REALLY trying to live by all that stuff? 90% of it makes no sense whatsoever if you try to apply it to reality.

(It's still a good read, so don't stop posting  )

on Sep 06, 2009

"He who believes in freedom of the will has never loved and never hated."

                                       - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

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