I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Sep 07, 2009

Fun with math:
Lets say the speed of light is known to be 669,600,000 miles per hour.
We have a new space ship parked at a runway on Earth.
In our ship we have 20 bowling balls.
We take one bowling ball out of the ship and place it on the runway.
We mark this bowling ball "frame of reference one".
We get aboard our ship, our speed relative to bowling ball one is zero miles per hour.
Now we take off and fly into space, we accelerate to 75% of the speed of light
relative to bowling ball one.
We now set the auto pilot to maintain this speed, our ship maybe
experiencing drag.
Bowling ball two is placed out side the ship with it's own propulsion system, so it
can maintain it's current speed with the ship. We mark this bowling ball "frame of reference two".
Our speed relative to bowling ball two is zero miles per hour.
We accelerate to 75% of the speed of light relative to bowling ball two.
We now set the auto pilot to maintain this speed, our ship maybe experiencing drag.
Bowling ball three is placed out side the ship with it's own propulsion system, so it
can maintain it's current speed with the ship. We mark this bowling ball "frame of reference three".
Our speed relative to bowling ball three is zero miles per hour.
We accelerate to 75% of the speed of light relative to bowling ball three.
We repeat this process until we have used up all our bowling balls.
Don't worry because of relativity we are still traveling less then the speed
of light  relative to bowling ball one, a square in our world is a rectangle back on earth
until we return to earth and park on the runway we started from.
Now, does that sound like reality to you?

on Sep 07, 2009

"Nothing contributes so much to tranquilize the mind as a steady purpose..."


--Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Frankenstein

on Sep 08, 2009

When I was in my twenties I got an accident policy for about 20 bucks a month.

on Sep 09, 2009

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
For every reaction there is an equal and opposite action.
Gravity is time moving backwards in a specific frame of reference.
Are we any closer?
How's that for artificial intelligence?

on Sep 10, 2009

When ever an action occurs, energy is released in the form of heat,
this energy leaves the frame of reference.
This is known as a leak.
When enough energy has left the frame of reference balance occurs
between action and reaction.
This is known as standby.
If energy comes into the frame of reference an action occurs and
balance between action and reaction is lost.
This is known as coming out of standby.
When enough energy has leaked from every frame of reference
it is time for a restart.

on Sep 10, 2009

If something travels faster then light,
how would you detect it?

on Sep 14, 2009

Does fusion power stars or gravity power stars?

on Sep 15, 2009

What is larger space or matter?
Where does all the energy go that is released from stars and hot hamburgers?
Could there be a lot of energy in space?
Why are the blobs of matter so far apart?

on Sep 15, 2009

What is larger space or matter?
Where does all the energy go that is released from stars and hot hamburgers?
Could there be a lot of energy in space?
Why are the blobs of matter so far apart?

Ibens words to live by is the larger space or matter.
Surely his energy comes from stars and hot hamburgers.
There can't be alot of energy remaining in space.
The blobs are far apart because Iben converted blobs to words to live by.


on Sep 15, 2009

You are in a space ship on a direct course for a close fly by
of bowling ball 21.
Your speed relative to bowling ball 21 is one trillionth of a mile per hour
less then the speed of light.
As bowling ball 21 passes by your window, bowling ball 22 passes
bowling ball 21 moving in the same direction as bowling ball 21 relative to you.
"Oh Mr. Magoo you've done it again."

on Sep 16, 2009

Why form a logical conclusion from an illogical assumption,
once logic falls away all your left with is FM.

on Sep 18, 2009

It was 9th grade science/biology class,
I asked the teacher, how does a muscle contract?
She said a nerve impulse from the brain tells it to.
The book didn't explain it either.

on Sep 19, 2009

Relatively speaking, with earth as the frame of reference,
by definition at rest, the following is true.
To observe an object of matter traveling faster then the speed
of light, one would only have to observe an object that is 2,560,509,554 miles from earth.

on Sep 20, 2009

If we pass new health care laws,
does that mean everyone's bottom line
is going to go down?

on Sep 23, 2009

What is escape velocity for the known universe?

Relatively speaking, with earth as the frame of reference,
by definition at rest, it should not matter which way you
fly the plane and your clock, you should get the same
result in any direction when comparing to the clock
on the ground. The clock on the plane should slow down
comparing to the clock on the ground.

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