I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Apr 10, 2009

Point counter point:
Jane you ...

An illegal alien comes into the U.S.
to pick blue berries, a few years later
after taking a night course the same alien
has become a reporter along with some other aliens.
Due to these extra reporters in the work force who are
paid less wages because they are illegal,
Geraldo Rivera has taken a 50% pay cut.
Geraldo Rivera would you like some more illegal aliens
to come into the U.S. to pick blue berries?

on Apr 14, 2009

They talk it up, then they talk it down,
listen to them
you'll wear a frown.
Turn them off for a week,
you'll find out, talk is cheap.
Follow your gut
think for yourself
you'll end up in better health.

on Apr 15, 2009

The only dumb question is the one never asked... or the one that was just answered

on Apr 21, 2009

New clock design:
The clock is made out of wood.
As time ticks by a nice little grasshopper eats chains,
making the load lighter.

on Apr 21, 2009

There's always a choice, but there's not always a right one. Sometimes even the right choice can be wrong.

- original quote by mickeko.

on Apr 29, 2009

If pollution levels were reduced rapidly,
could it upset the delicate balance of nature?

on May 20, 2009

Will a high mileage car save you money
after they come out with
the new baseball hats and bubble gum cards?
How about normal evolution?

on May 21, 2009

Today someone said that it is his opinion that something in the past had been rushed into.
Seems a lot of things are being rushed into lately.

on May 24, 2009

The Miracle is, the more we share, the more we have.  (Leanord Nimoy)

on Jun 07, 2009

Lets perform a thought experiment:
Say you go to the mall.
When you arrive you take off all your clothes and walk through the mall.
Would you do this and expect people to not look at you?
Has conservative talk radio lost its sense of humor?
Bill Handel still has his.

on Jun 12, 2009

You can't blame me, I voted for Alan Keyes.
I liked the semi- freedom we had years ago.

on Jun 29, 2009

Its all in the delay,
and if you feel crappy take an aspirin.

on Jul 08, 2009

It is quite possible that not being qualified
is truly the best qualification.
When will we know the planet has been saved?

on Jul 13, 2009

I am the proud father of a bouncing baby Vista 64-bit.

on Jul 16, 2009

I watched the presidential election debates,
health care was going to be fixed by lowering the costs,
not by raising the costs for certain individuals.

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