~The following is a fictitious story.Once upon a time a company needed a productto pass a test in order to keep a contract.The product would not pass the test so theengineers wrote a test program called "fake it".~
~Is it possible that an object could travel fasterthen reality and reality would show the object travelingslower then it actually was?The object would be undetectable in it's true locationand actually be traveling faster then reality.~
^Do you feel the light of every morning when you calculate a 2 by 2?Nine hazards will fail to emerge from the darknesswhen you cover your ears with a pillow.With all that in mind, can you still eat your peanut butter sandwich?^
~If you don't practice what you preachyou have no credibility.~
~Now you know why Leno got the joband Johnny stayed married.~
~A rerun:
The six phases of proposal.
1. Enthusiasm2. Disillusionment3. Panic4. Search for the Guilty5. Punishment of the innocent6. Praise and Honors for the Non-Participants~
~I think health care reform is over rated.~
Some even look good in a silk potato sack.
~If you watch the news, listen to the news and read the news,you can figure out what the news really is.~
~What could an under armed force's only possible strategy beif their first target was a bank?~
~If you don't know how to put the car you are driving in neutralor shut off the engine with out locking the steering wheel,you shouldn't be driving the car.~
~Remember all the great things they were going to dowith a ten year projection of the surplus?~
~If a man is considered a pig,what would the three woman he is dating be?~
~Ever wanted to make something better,but you ended up making it worse?~
~A good rib eye steak is nice every once in while,but pizza is my favorite.~