I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
Comments (Page 167)
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on Nov 10, 2008

It all boils down to,
who do you trust?

on Nov 12, 2008

Someone wants to blame all the bad decisions
on labor.

on Nov 14, 2008

Ever notice that while the moon is technically full
only one day per cycle, it looks full three days per cycle.

on Nov 15, 2008

In the famous words of Jack Nicholson on The Bucket List: " Never pass up the chance to go to the restroom, never waste an erection, and never trust a fart!" 

I hope that is not too risque, I cleaned it up a little. 

on Nov 19, 2008
First rule for riding a motor cycle:
Never panic.
Second rule for riding a motor cycle:
Ride like granny in town.
My favorite Quote this week:
"wizards of smart"
on Nov 20, 2008

Third rule for riding a motor cycle:
Ride with the assumption that all slow moving or stopped objects will
pull out in front of you or pull a U - turn in front of you.
If an object is moving at a high rate of speed, then you know where
it is heading.

on Nov 21, 2008
Recently I was 50 miles out in the middle of nowhere,
and found this message written on the support beam of a small structure.
"I'm still missing you"
Recently I wrote a message on a small piece of paper and it all
most blew away in the wind, I tore it up and threw it away because
I didn't want anyone to read it.
on Nov 22, 2008

There is a simple way to get car manufactures to build
fuel efficient cars.
Buy a fuel efficient car.

on Nov 23, 2008

Two heads are better than one...unless they're on the same neck.

on Nov 25, 2008

What is one of the biggest differences between 20 years ago
and today?
Hint: You might be using it to read this.

on Nov 25, 2008

If at first you don't succeed, try and try again.

on Nov 25, 2008

Never quit a job to spend more time with your wife.

on Nov 26, 2008

Never eat beans before a formal function....

on Nov 26, 2008

There is only one huge enormous gigantic problem with rewarding bad behavior.
The solution to the problem is;
certain people at the helm of the problem will have to be fired and possibly jailed.

on Nov 27, 2008

If you are good at something, never do it for free.   The Joker.

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