~The Theory of Special Relativityand gravity are proof that God exists,they both defy logic.~
~Beware of self fulfilling prophesies.~
~Quantity of comfort.~
~Reality will arrive in eight years,possibly four.~
It is bad luck to be superstitious.
~If you are looking for a reason,Palin is not it.Is the Light on yet?~
be careful what you wish for you might just get it
~Hint:The stock markets are in a negative bubble,they will have to go up to find the bottom.~
You can lead a horse to water, but before you do, just remember how a wet horse smells!
never assume anything when you do you make an ass out of you and me
Confusius say......man who live in glass house should shit in basement.
Confusius say... man who stands on toliet is high on pot.
you only get out of life what you put into it
don't count your chickens before they hatch
don't put all your bread in one basket
what goes around comes around
don't judge a book by its cover