I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Feb 23, 2009

The business cycle can't be beaten.
When the stock market hits new highs you'll be surprised, I won't.
Same old, same old.
It's a ten year cycle.

on Feb 24, 2009

The business cycle can't be beaten.
When the stock market hits new highs you'll be surprised, I won't.
Same old, same old.
It's a ten year cycle.

If it was every 2 years, would it be a bicycle?

on Feb 24, 2009


on Feb 26, 2009

Remember that first boy friend you had,
nobody would tell you he was no good for you because
they knew you wouldn't listen anyway.
I won't bother to tell you.
Pendulums swing,
too bad they never stop in the middle.
Anyone have a movie offer for Congresswoman Pelosi?

on Feb 27, 2009

Dr. Sydney Friedman's Words of Psychiatric Wisdom (MASH):  "Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice: Pull down your pants and slide on the ice."

on Mar 05, 2009

When you are done making healthcare affordable,
will anything besides healthcare still be affordable?
Tort reform.
Are you using to much energy?
Are you to technologically advanced?
Are you to civilized?

on Mar 07, 2009

So let me get this straight,
I get to pay for the knee operation that you need now,
that I needed 20 years ago and did not get.
The more you demand the less you will receive.

on Mar 07, 2009

B. Madoff during interrogation, "And just how does my Investment Company differ from Social Security?".

on Mar 10, 2009

Why don't you want to use Nuclear power?
Because Nuclear power plants don't emit Carbon.

on Mar 10, 2009

Here's one my Gramma told me, when I abruptly and not so smoothly quit a job I didn't like:  "When you're done sweeping, don't throw the broom down on the ground like that's the end...just lean it gently up against the wall, because that way you don't have to bend down so low to pick it up if you need it again."

on Mar 13, 2009

Lets say someone made off with a very large amount of money,
it is highly probable that a large number of people would have to help spend the money.
If you call yourself a reporter maybe you should try to find out who this help is,
instead of digging up photos of the latest teen singer.

on Mar 18, 2009

Spending more money then you bring in, causes stress.
Expenses going up causes stress.
Taxes cause stress.
Taxes going up causes more stress.
Stress is very bad for you.
Stress will shorten your life span.
What we need to do is remove things from office that cause stress,
then we will live longer and happier.

on Mar 22, 2009

Plausible deny ability is no longer plausible
when presented with the proof.

on Mar 26, 2009

What was the TARP suppose to be used for?
What was the TARP used for?
If all the ice on Earth below sea level melted,
what would the sea level do?
Is the majority of ice on Earth below sea level?
If you could convince someone that the world was ending,
could you get them to increase the funding for your research?

on Mar 30, 2009

I recently saw this on the back wall of a car being driven
by a woman .
"You can't hold a man down without holding yourself down with him."

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