I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
Comments (Page 165)
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on Sep 12, 2008

It has been said that "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery".

on Sep 13, 2008

When you hear these words, "I'd fix it if I could",
you've been in way to long.

on Sep 15, 2008

This YoYo trick is called "walking the dog",
The good news is, eventually the YoYo comes back up.

on Sep 17, 2008

Caddyshack was a great movie.

on Sep 17, 2008

I just saw the "Baby Mama" DVD on sale at the grocery store.

on Sep 18, 2008


on Sep 21, 2008
Never eat yellow snow
on Sep 21, 2008

And by the way Joe,
In your last man standing fantasy,
Ted Nugent would be that man,
and not because he owns precious coins.

on Sep 21, 2008

Haste makes waste.
A stitch in time saves nine.
Slow and steady wins the race.
If it wasn't for bankers none of us would own a home.
No matter how many times I cut it, it is still to short.
Measure twice cut once.

on Sep 22, 2008

Glenn Beck and yellow snow.

on Sep 22, 2008

"People will forget what you do. People will forget what you say. People will never forget how you make them feel." - Maya Angelou.


"Too much is not healthy." Or, for those who understand it in the original Yiddish: "Tzu fiel ist nisht Gezundt." - My Grandma Ida (of blessed memory).

on Sep 23, 2008

I never bet more then I can afford to lose.
You don't get a do over in Vegas.
When playing cards I always call the bluff,
and let the chips fall where they may.
There is always more then one solution to any problem.

on Sep 24, 2008

The rope a dope:
You set a trap for someone, they walk into it and do
exactly what you want them to do, and then they
get tired and fall down.

The double rope a dope:
You pretend to walk into someone's trap
and pretend to get tired. They let their guard down
and you knock them out.

on Sep 25, 2008

Would you want someone who sounds
nervous under pressure, to run your country?

on Oct 02, 2008

The work will wait while you show the child
the rainbow,
but the rainbow won't wait while you work.

- Anonymous

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