I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Jun 06, 2008
Election Event prediction Chart

After talking to the world line,
I have decided to vote for line D.
on Jun 07, 2008

The bad guys don't always wear black hats,
the good guys rarely win, and the cavalry never,
ever shows up just in the nick of time!

on Jun 07, 2008
When I was young I was told that anyone could be President.
I'm beginning to believe it.

do you suppose that there 'really' is an idiot born every minute? *sigh*
on Jun 09, 2008
I wonder if a large crater on the moon
could be turned into a radio telescope?
on Jun 17, 2008
on Jun 19, 2008
The people who don't want to drill for oil in the U.S.
are the first people who should stop using any oil.

Environmentalists have saved us from
greedy people who would pollute the planet,
now who will save us from the Environmentalists?

It is not governments job to lower oil prices.
It is governments job to get out of the way,
and go after Enrons.

Since 2001 I have been using 3/4 of a gallon of gas a day
five days a week, on the week end I use 1 to 5 gallons of gas.
Those of you who fly a jet to work every day can
stop lecturing anyone about saving the environment.

on Jun 21, 2008
Challenge to Al Gore:
This is how I cooled the place I call home last summer
and how I am this summer.
I get up at 4 AM and turn on a fan that blows hot air
out of the house on one end of the house.
I turn on a fan on the other side of the house that
pulls cool air into the house. I have thermometers
out side and inside, when the air out side gets to hot
to cool the house any more, I close the windows until
I can't stand it any more. Then I open the windows on
the shady side and let air in again.
Once the sun goes down I use the same system as in the morning.
I Challenge you to do the same.
Caution you will need shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt.
on Jun 25, 2008
Click your heels together 3 times and repeat after me,
"Free flow of oil at market prices,
there is no wizard behind the curtain."

on Jun 27, 2008
Back pain can be caused by,
staying up to late and not getting enough
sleep, to many days in a row.
I learned this as a young man.

on Jun 30, 2008
Is there any question that can be answered
without causing the rise of another question?

on Jul 01, 2008
The universe in a nut shell.

There are many factors that make it wet.
The factors are changing all the time.
Women don't know what the factors are.
Women can tell when it is wet and when it is not wet.
Women want it to be wet all the time.
Men built a computer to make it wet.

Have a sense of humor.
on Jul 02, 2008
The average life expectancy for humans
has gone up quite a bit in the last 100 years.

on Jul 05, 2008
When comparing somebody to Ted Baxter,
it might be a good idea to listen to some bodies
radio show for a prolonged period of time.
I found it to be one of the most intellectual
shows I have found.
on Jul 10, 2008
Instead of learning a second language,
someone should learn to balance a check book.

on Jul 12, 2008
It is harder to spend money after it is earned,
then before it is earned.
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