I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Apr 15, 2007


Once upon a time,

A man went shopping for a white baseball.

He found a store with them for sale at $20.00 each.

He bought one.

Later he went back to the store to buy another.

When he got there the price had changed to $10.00 each.

So he bought one.

Later he found out that both baseballs were defective.

He was glad that he only paid $10.00 for the second one.

I wonder if he will ever buy a baseball at that store again?


A defective baseball might be worth $10.00 but it sure isn't worth $20.00.

Maybe the store owner should sell good baseballs for $15.00

before he goes out of business.

In the beginning of our story return customers are lost.

Return customers are how you grow a business.

Store owners can sell defective baseballs for a while but eventually

end up like Enron.


on Apr 16, 2007


People don't want the troops to die fighting a war.

People don't want to give the troops the money

they need to avoid dying fighting a war.


on Apr 16, 2007
"If God had intended us to talk more than we hear,
He would have given us two mouths and only one ear."
on Apr 16, 2007
Here's another...

"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak up and remove all doubt."
on Apr 16, 2007
"If con is the opposite of pro,
does that mean Congress is the opposite of Progress?"
on Apr 16, 2007
the only freedom of the press is that there is no freedom from it
on Apr 16, 2007
if a schizophrenic locks himself in a room and refuses to come out, is that called a hostage situation?
on Apr 17, 2007


Some places outside the US you

have to worry about the sane people.


on Apr 19, 2007


The only time there is no right or wrong

in the argument is when you are wrong,


you do have plenty of company.


on Apr 20, 2007


This is not an exact quote, it is the basic idea.

"There isn't enough time in the day

to report all the good news." - Penn Jillette


on Apr 22, 2007


Lets use junk mail for toilet paper.


on Apr 23, 2007
Make love not war and all live in peace
on Apr 23, 2007


6.5 billion friendly people on the planet.


on Apr 27, 2007

The Earth itself is moving through space at approximately 43,000 miles per hour so hold on tight.
We are zooming toward the constellation of Hercules.
But we are part of a galaxy and that galaxy is heading toward the constellation of Leo at the unbelievable speed of 375 miles per second.
Depending on where you stand on the Earth you could be rotating with the Earth at a speed form 665+ mph to 1000 mph.
Yet with all this motion we don't even notice it!


on Apr 27, 2007


"When the enemy is crushed" - Dennis Miller


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